Twenty Six

29 3 0

Louis' POV

I woke up and felt around the bed for Chloe but she wasn't here. I sat up and rubbed my eyes seeing she wasn't in the room.

Sighing I stood up and grabbed my boxers and pulled them on along with my grey sweat pants that hug low on my hips.

I ran a hand through my messy hair and opened the door and walked out on the search engines r my stunning girlfriend.

I opened the door of Brooke's room and looked in seeing she was also gone and the bed was unmade.

I silently closed the door and made my way into the living room but stopped when I saw the heart warming sight in front of me.

Chloe was laying on the sofa with Brooke on her chest with her head tucked into the crook of Chloe's neck. Chloe had her arms wrapped around Brooke as if she would disappear at any moment. A fluffy blanket was wrapped around them.

I pulled out my phone taking a photo and making my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.

I boiled the kettle after filling it a quarter full. I decided to get Brooke's clothes ready so I made my way to her room finding her small pink suitcase.

I pulled out a flowy with dress top that would come to her knees. The sleeves would just cover the top of her arms and I then grabbed black/brown boots and her hair bobbles and brush.

As I made my way back into the living room I saw she was waking up so I sped walked over lifting her from Chloe's chest and bring her over to the other sofa setting herb on my knee.

"Morning daddy." She croaked rubbing her crystal blue eyes.

"Morning pet. Let's get you changed." I said kissing her forehead. She giggled hugging into my chest and I hugged her back. Rocking her sideways and pretending to give her a really tight hug.

Once she pulled away I pulled off her pajamas and replaced them b with her white dress top and boots.
I watched Chloe braid her hair so I had an idea on how to do it.

I started to weave the hair in and out of each other until it made a delicate fishtail braid as Chloe called it.

"There we go princess. How bout some tea and toast?" I asked her getting up and setting her down on the sofa and making my way to the kitchen but I heard the pitter patter of her little feet behind me.

"Yeah daddy. Why you not with mummy when daddy Jason hug her too hard? She cried a lot" she said innocently

I sighed and answered pouring the tea "I was busy sweetheart. What did Jason do too mummy?" I asked fake confusion in my voice.

"I don't know. Can I have Nutella?" She shrugged her shoulders.

Chloe's POV.

The guts are doing a concert right now. While me and Brooke and re in the dressing room with she played with her dolls.

My started to ring, I glanced down at the number seeing it was unknown. ...


- hello?

- Hello, this is Marcus Jordan, from the IHSM. This is Chloe Ritchie right?

- yes this Is she. How can Is help you Jordan?

- I'm right to say you auditioned right. Back in London.

- yeah that's right. I understand if I didn't get the job it's fine.

- no no. Your wrong we loved you. Your personality is great, you beautiful and very sexy. You perfect and would like you to start ASAP.

- Oh my god. Really?

- Hahaha yes Chloe and I know your travelling with tour boyfriend Mr Tomlinson so we can I arrange the shoots to suit where you are.

- oh that's great. So when's the first shoot?

- well as soon as we can meet to discuss the contract and terms and conditions then approximately five days later we can start.

- oh that's great well would you like to meet?

-how about tomorrow at 5 in the coast side restaurant?

- yes that will work.

- great wear something fancy and ask for Jordan and you can bring Mr Tomlinson.

- okay fantastic see you tomorrow sir.

- Until tomorrow Miss Ritchie


I spun around and and saw Louis standing with his arms crossed and and a stern expression on his face.

"Who you meeting, what's great and what's tomorrow? Are you cheating on me again" he flung his arms up in the air.

"I'm going to meet my new boss because because I because I got a job and what do you mean by again?" I said walking up to him.

"Oh you know rightly what what I mean. Come on what about Matthew and Alex? Huh? What about Jason?" He spat his voice rising.

"What the actual hell. Matthew was my football mate and Alex was gay" I shouted.

"Yeah sure you two took an awful long time in the changing rooms. And Jane found out he was gay after getting a bad fuck from you." He yelled back I looked being me and say Brooke sitting watching us.

"I'm not doing this now Louis. " I said in a quiet voice I never cheated on him it was him who cheated.

"See you are a wee slut. You probably don't even know who Brooke's dad is." He scoffed that's when it hit home. Jason always told me and I never thought he would say this.

"You know I'm not like that Louis. You know it. I can't believe you. Why do you always do this to me. You cheated on me after you got me pregnant. You broke me. Matthew was there to help put me back and then he was killed. He was my best mate we had no relationship and you know it. I'll be back later." I said grabbing my leather jacket and throwing it over my gead slipping it on over my red crop top. I fixed my vans that matched my black skinny jeans.

I gave Brooke a kiss on the cheek and brushed past Lou.

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