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Sometimes I get very confused, mum and dad used to not live together? I just knew my dad and uncles from the TV. I remember my aunties Sibyl and Sydney took me to a show where I saw them for the first time, but u couldn't talk to them.

Now mummy lives with daddy in our new house, the boys come over a lot and I get to go for sleepovers at their houses.

But daddy is always busy and I get scarred that he is going to leave again, I love my mummy but I love daddy too and I want them to live together forever and ever and ever.


My eyes flickered open and I was in my room, the light was off but Louis wasn't with me. I felt my head pounding and my sides were agony too. I threw the duvet off my body, seeing I was still in my dress, I decided to put on my pyjamas, I waddled over to my drawers and pulled out black fluffy bottoms and a blank and white polka dot top.

I exited my room and walked into the dimly lit hallway, and wandered down to the living room where the three couches were littered with the boys. Niall was stretched out in the three seater with Liam, Zayn took up the the two seater with Brooke in his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Lastly Louis took up the other two seater with a pillowed hugged into his chest. Harry was missing tho. I looked around and found him spread out on Louis' beanbag bed.

I left the adorable sight, and made my way into my kitchen, yes my kitchen. When we got this house, I recreated the kitchen and it's cute. I have a large island beside the sink and then on the counter opposite the island is where the cooker is. The cupboards sit above the the cooker and sink in the wall but leaving enough room for a massive window that stretches from the cooker to the sink. The colour scheme of the kitchen is red, black and white.

The floor is white along with the walls, the splash back is red and the benches, cupboards and the fridge, cooker, microwave, kettle, toaster basically anything electric is black and the furniture is red along with the Cutlery, and the China. The blinds are cream but are strong to keep light out at night.

I clicked the switch and light flooded my kitchen, I closed the door and and took a seat at the island, where my phone lay screen down. I clicked the home button, switching in my phone, the time flashed in the screen on the cover photo that was if Louis, Brooke and I, at the park.

He is standing in black skinny jeans and a football shit in with a grey Adidas jacket while I'm wearing white jeans, a tight grey jumper, brown knee length wedge boots and a tartan scarf, lastly Brook is in a matching football too as her dad and blue skinny jeans with grey ugg boots and a beanie. We are standing as a family smiling as the snow falls around us.

I saw it was 8:30am son I decided to start with breakfast. I came to a decision of making pancakes with a selection of fruit. I got started by making the mixture and pouring parts in bit by bit. After about 16 pancakes were made I got started on the fruit. That's when the boys walked in and jumped me in a group hug but I scolded them and told them to take a seat. They were all happily talking among each other while i made breakfast.

I was slicing up an apple when an unbearable pain shit into my stomach. The knife dropped to the floor causing a quiet band which caught the attention of the boys.

"Chloe?" Louis asked looking at me curiously. A single tear slid down my cheek at the pain. I couldn't make a sound until now when a scream of agony left my lips and I fell onto my knees.  

Louis shot up from his seat and was my my side as I sobbed in pain.

"Call an ambulance!" Louis yelled. The pain grew and I felt between my legs dampen. I look down to see blood oozing from between my legs. This isn't normal.

It was all a blur and I found myself laying on a hospital bed, a drip hooked to my arms and a monitor hooked to the same arm too.

Louis was sitting beside me his hand latched to mine. They wouldn't let the boys in. Only family. Brooke is with the boys too apparently calling for me.

"Chloe, it's gonna be okay. Everything will be fine." Lou tried to reassure me but it wasn't helping, not one bit.

"I don't know" I replied staring at the roof. Before he could answer the doctor walked into the room. He was holding a bored to his chest and he refused to make eye contact with me.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Ross, The pain you experience was from the poison swirling around you whom and bloodstream. The blessing was caused my the opening of your cervix releasing some dead tissue. Mr Tomlinson, Mrs Ritchie, I'm very sorry but the baby you were carrying has died. You had a miscarriage, I'm so very sorry." The doctor explained and the air left my lung. My hands immediately went to my stomach where my baby once was.

A sob left my lips as Louis hugged me into his chest. I can't believe it I lost my baby.

"I'm sorry but the tests we took show, you had a fall and you severely hurt your self and the outcome is you are unable to have anymore children. I am truly sorry." That's when I lost it I started to bawl my eyes out, this can't be.

"No! It *gasp*!cant be *gasp* I'm only 20" I bawled out. My life is now ruined. My own mother ruined my life....

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