Chapter Eighteen

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Chloe's POV:

Right now Liam is scolding me for shouting and lying to the guy at the airport.

"But if I hadn't then I wouldn't of gotten my stuff" I huffed.

"That didn't mean you had to shout at the poor guy. You could of said it in a quite and nicer way" He shot back

"Okay. I'm sorry" I sighed. I couldn't be bothered with this anymore

Liam nodded and smiles then walked away down the tour bus. I sighed and sat back on the sofa.

"Mummmmmy! Lookie uncle Hawrry got me a outfit!"Brooke yelled running out of the back room with Harry walking behind with a huge grin on his face.

She came and twirled in front of me. Right now we are in texas and the outfit fitted the theam.

She was wearing a light blue knee high dress covered with rhinestones, white cowboy boots that came half way up her shin and a light brown cowboy hat with blue rhinestones on it.

"Aww Brooke you look cute. Uncle Harry is spoiling you!"

"I gonna show daddy" She giggled and ran off while Harry sat down beside me.

"You shouldn't have" I chuckled and ran an hand through my hair.

"No! I'm her uncle and big gonna make up for those three years. So each new country we go to she gets an outfit." He said proudly with a huge grin.

"Harry you can-" He stopped me by slapping his hand over my mouth and shhh-ing me.

"I can and I will" he said before getting up and walking out. I laughed and stood up making my way to the sort of kitchen.

I looked through the fridge and all there was, was candy and energy drinks and the few things I bought for Brooke.

I sighed and walked up to the top of the bus. I jumped out because the boys were doing a meet and greet in 20 minuets.

I walked into the shop and scanned the aisle filled with shelfs. I got to the dairy products end. I grabbed, milk, cheese, yogurt and milkshakes. I then got to another aisle and grabbed potatoes, carrots, peas, tomatoes and cabbage. I basically skimmed the rest but I did get chicken, bacon, hot dogs, chips (frys for americans), and crisps.

After getting that I made my way up to the till ((where you pay)).

"Hello. Are you here for the concert?" The lady asked. She was around 40 with dark brown short hair in a bob that framed her sharp face.

"No, I'm here with them" I said as if it was nothing because it wasn't.

"Oh my! I have a 14 year old girl, Kristen she is in love with the band. Is there anyway she could get an autograph? I tried to get her tickets but couldn't." She asked with a sigh.

"I can do better than that. I'll take her to meet the boys." I said with a smile.

"Oh my. She us in the back. KRISTEN" She yelled. Soon a tallish girl with light brown hair in a fish tail braid over her shoulder with a light pink crop top and black skinny jeans with white converse came out.

"Oh my god! Your Chloe Ritchie!! Louis Ex and your Brooke mummy!" She fangirled as I chuckled.

"That's me. Well I was wondering would you like to meet the guys?" I asked her.she literally jumped into my arms and yelled "yes" a few times.

10 Minuets Later

I walked in the stadium with Kristen.

"I think they are in their dressing room. " I said quietly.

She nodded and continued walking with me. Once we got there I heard there voices.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door three times.

"Guys!! I have someone here that wants to meet you!" I sing songed.

I opened the door to see Harry and Louis wrestling, Brooke was on the sofa on someone's phone, Niall was dancing, Liam trying to break Lou and Haz up with Zayn was spraying his hair.

I heard Kristen giggle but this was mad.

"GUYS!!!!!" I yelled and everything went silent. They all seen Kristen and jumped up except Zayn who continued to do his hair.

I sighed and walked up to him and pulled the bottle from his hand.

"Guys this is Kristen. Do what ever you do to your fans" I said and grabbed Brooke set down the phone and walked out.

I stepped into the bus and started to make dinner.

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