Chapter Twenty Two

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Niall's POV.

We all sat around in the family waiting room for the family of the patient in surgery.

Chloe was rushed straight into surgery with busted appendix.

We were told there's a 45% change of her surviving because the position had traced through 45% of her body.

Lou was in bad shape. He is sitting in a corner of the room, crying hugging Brooke who doesn't know what's going on.

"What's the time?" Zayn yawned from beside me.

I pulled out my phone pushing the unlock button and check the time that was now 12:30pm

"Half 12," I replied keeping an eye on the door the doctor would come through with the news that would change our lives forever.

"I'm gonna go get a fag and a red bull you's want anything?" Zayn asked standing and cracking his back followed by his knuckles, while I cringed and the noise.

"Gummy bears?" Brooke asked from Louis' knee.

"Key pet anyone else? Lou?" Zayn enquired again.

Lou snuffled standing up and setting Brooke on Harry's knee. "Fresh air and a puff. " He mumbled but Harry's yes shot straight to him.

"Don't you dare break a promise you made." Harry growled at Lou.

"Thats was Three fuckin years ago." Lou spat. Hurt washed over Harry's face and then it hardened and I couldn't tell what emotion was taking over him.

"It . doesn't . matter." Harry spat and Lou walked out with a scoff with Zayn following awkwardly.

Chloe's POV.

I opened my eyes noticing I was laying in a hospital bed surrounded by wires, machines, two doctor and what look like a nurse.

"Good to have you back Chloe, I'm doctor Nicholas and this is consultant Matthews and Nurse Lilley. You just got you Appendix removed. They burst." Doctor Nicholas

"Okay. My side realy hurts" I groaned and the nurse scribbled something down on a clipboard.

"Chloe your going to be in a bit of pain for a while. Would you like to see your friends?" He asked again.

" Yes please." I groaned again and the three members of staff walked out.

A few minutes later Louis ran in and wrapped his arms around me and ducked his head into my neck ad I felt water tickled my neck.

"Lou I'm fine stop it!" I mumbled. He pulled and I saw the boys and Brooke.

"How you feeling?" Harry asked walking over and hugging me gently.
"I'm good" I faked a smile but not didn't stay a secret for long as when I moved slightly pain flew through my body and a whimper left my lips.

"Hey. Just rest and you'll be out of here in no time." Liam said and stood up.

"We'll leave your two some time to talk." Zayn said standing up with a sleeping Brooke in his arms.

Once they all left Lou took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles.

"I won't get the job now." I mumbled.

"What job?" Louis asked.

"I applied for a modeling job. How the hell am I supposed to get it now with a scar.

"When? What? Why did you not tell me?" Lou asked hurt splashing onto his face.

"I wanted to surprise you." I mumbled setting my head back bin to the pillow.

"Trust me a few little scars won't stop the beauty from flowing through you." Lo said getting up and kissing my head.

"Get some rest. I love you." He said walking away but not before I responded with.

"I love you too."

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