Twenty Five

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Chloe's POV

My eyes shot open to the sound of crying. I rubbed my eyes and rolled my head over to the dresser to see the bright red light on the alarm clock showed up was 05:25.

I sighed untangling myself from Louis and pulled on my bra and panties. I grabbed my black and white polka dot pajama bottoms and a hot pink tank tope. I took a bobble from my wrist tying my hair up and making my way out to find my baby.

I lazily walked into the room that held Brook and found her laying in the bed crying. I lifted her up into my arms and took her out to the living room.

As I rocked her in my arms she wouldn't calm down. So I began to hum her favourite song.

Butterfly's flutter through the air
Leaving me with some kind of peace.
Not knowing where it come from
Or how it I received.

Fierce and bold like the alpha lion
Keeping us safe from dangers
Don't ever know how I got someone, someone like you.

Just seems too good to be true,
I know that this can't last
Oh how right was I
We went our separate ways

No more walks on the beach
No more dancing in the dark
No more and kisses
I'm all alone like day one.

How could I be so naive
To let you into my life.
But all that's great slowing dies
Left like ash on the ground.

Tears stain my cheeks
When I realise a great deal
Didn't know what I had
Till it was gone. Gone....

Just seems too good to be true,
I know that this can't last
Oh how right was I
We went our separate ways

No more walks on the beach
No more dancing in the dark
No more and kisses
I'm all alone like day one

Now take me in your arms..
Show me all your love
Theses no going back oh no going back,
Just forget the past
Let focus on us
Come take me out of here and set me free. Freeee.

I look down and see Brooke has calmed down. I smile and hug her into my chest.

I debated I taking her back to Louis' and I's room but debated against it as he was butt naked.

I walked over to the sofa pumping up the pillows I grabbed the pink fluffy blanket in had packed.
I lay down with Brooke on my chest wrapping us in the blanket and fell asleep.


Zayn's POV

I woke up to my head splitting. In knew but was the effects of the alcohol that I has consumed Las night.

I stood up and made my way out of the room. I walked into the living room and was met by a sleeping mother and daughter on the sofa wrapped up in a blanket

I smiled pulling out my phone snapping a picture on my phone. I slipped my phone back into the elastic waist band of my boxers and continued to walk over to the kitchen area.

I searched the medical bag, Liam made us bring and right now but was more than glad.

I grabbed a cocodamol pain relief table and stuck it into my mouth and opening the fridge grabbing the milk hugging it down so I wouldn't taste the vile tablet.

I poured a glass and sat down in front of the sofa Chloe and Brooke and curled themselves onto.

I started at the girl in front of me and I remembered how I used to have feelings for her.

The Flash backs flooded back unto my head and I sighed sitting back bit keeping my eyes on her.

"Come on Zayn pleaseeeeee" Chloe whined.

"No. Why me?" I asked taking another puff of my fag.

"Because I really want to go but Lou won't take me. Niall is to busy eating. Harry is God knows where and Liam says it's too dangerous." She rambled

"Fine! Let's go." I sighed giving in. She squealed and clapped her hands and ran us and hugged me.

"Yay! Thanks you zoo zoo" she said and ran out and jumped into my car.
She put this whole rant up just to go get ice cream and pickles. Don't ask me bits what she wanted.

I stepped into my shining black jeep and started to drive out.

"So how is You and Lou?" I asked starting conversation.

"Uh yeah he's fine. Seems a bit off at the moment but fine." She mumbled fiddling with the buttons on the dash bored.

"Stop that you'll break something." I muttered. She gave me a look and I put both hands u on in surrender.

"Hey hands on the week I could not died" she said being her sassy self.

I chuckled and pulled into the car park. She jumped out and ran into the shop.

She was average height with longish skinny legs that were always bare because of the shorts she would always wear. Her toned belly was shown below beer crop top. He converse slapped against the pavement and that's when I know I had feelings for her when nu get the 'want' to have her. Keep her safe. Protect her and love her.

I sighed standing up setting the cup down and making my way back to my room.

I layer down in my bed and stared at the roof and memories flooded into my head. I couldn't let her get me Me again.

The whole time I liked Chloe. Guilt was eating me alive. That day I took her to get ice cream and pickles was three days before she left and now in understand why.

Life's not fair. Louis got the girl, he broke the girl yet he got her back.


Life is simply not fair.....

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