Chapter Six

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Chloe's POV:

I sighed as I brushed the last of the flour up from the floor. After the guys left I went into the kitchen to get Brooke, but I saw her on the floor covered in flour along with the flour. I changed her into her pajamas and put her to bed. 

I finally got the the kitchen clean and decided to do the the hall and living room. I walked in re-tying my hair in a messy bun, I was running around in a grey and pink sport pair of shorts and a white tank top with my white ankle socks on.

The living room was crowded with toys, food, clothes and it was just a mess. I started to lift up the clothes, folding them and setting them on the small glass coffee table. I was folding the fourth item when the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock to see it was quarter to 10,

I made my way through the mess to the door, I opened it but to my surprise I saw Louis, standing with a single red rose in his hand.

"Uh hi" I said awkwardly. He waved and smiled at me.

"Hey can I come in" He asked

"Uhhh I don-" "Please" He interrupted me

"Fine" I said dragging the 'n' and 'e' "Sorry about the mess Brooke was uhh yeah" I said using my arms to signal the mess.

"Its fine. I'll help you" He smiled handing me the rose, and stepping past me into the living room. I closed the door quietly locking it and walking into the living room seeing Louis already picking up toys and placing them into the toy box.

"No offence but why are you here?" I asked going back to picking up the clothes.

"To say I'm sorry, look, please just let me explain." He pleaded

"Okay.." I responded unsure

"Well, you know.. we didn't 'you know' in a while so I was a little sexually frustrated, you were throwing up and that's why, Eleanor came over asking help with some English so I agreed. She was then kinda getting really close and she said she was getting hot so she took off her jumper leaving her in a really tight belly top and she ugh I got carried away then you walked in and I literally lifted her up throwing her out on the street. I was so upset, ashamed and disgusted, I loved you and I still do, I bet you in 3 years time I will still love you. Please Chloe" He explained. I stopped what I was doing.  I could feel the tears brimming my eyes

"Why did you not come after me, I don't want to be the drama queen here but Lou, I was broken, I have never dated anyone since you because I thought I wasn't good enough for you. I was rejected by everyone, while you were out getting anyone you want and living your  dream."

"Yes I went for my dream but I didn't go for anyone Chloe. I did try to get in touch with you but you disappeared."

"Can we leave it" I sighed rubbing my eyes hoping he wouldn't notice, but he did.

"Hey, don't cry c'mon" He gently grabbed my arm spinning me around into his arms.

"All I want is a second chance with you and Brooke."

"Ok" I whispered. He slightly pulled away so he could look into my eyes. His bright blue eyes stared into mine The next thing I know is that my eyes are centimetres apart then they join moving perfectly in sync. I closed my eyes as his arms wrapped around my small waist. My hands made their way to his hair. I lightly pulled on it earning a small moan from him. 

He squeezed my thighs making me jump wrapping my legs around his waist. He pushed me against the wall and continued kissing me. Then I heard a Loud scream. My eyes shot open along with Louis'.

He set me down and I bolted up the stairs with Louis close behind me. I ran into brooke's room and saw her on her bed crying.

"baby whats wrong?"  I asked

"I lost you and I was awll alone" She started to cry even more.

"Your not alone Brooke, you have your mummy with you always" Lou said, I smiled looking up at him,

"And your daddy, Brooke. Louis is your daddy" I said crossing my fingers. Brooke lept out of bed and into Louis arms. I smiled stroking her smooth dirty blonde hair.

"Will you sweep with me?" She asked. I giggled as Louis slipped off his shoes jumping in beside her, he lifted her up onto his chest and she layed her head on his shoulder. I pulled the duvet cover over them and walked out. I went back to cleaning.

After an hours I was done and in my room laying on my bed playing wqith my necklace.. I heard my door open then I saw Louis appear and he sat down beside me.

"You still have that?" Louis said pointing at my necklace.

"Yeah, and the other stuff" I said.

"That's cute" He mumbled

"You know I haven't forgiven you I'm doing this for Brooke, dont get too comfortable." I said standing up and going over to the set of drawers and pulling out zebra print pajamas. Hes seen me before so oh well.

I pulled off the shorts and tank top slipping on the pajamas,  I looked up seeing Louis wide eyed at me.

"Close your mouth, you've seen me before sooo"

"Yeah well I gotta go. night Chloe"

"You Too"

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