Chapter Three

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Harry's POV:

I ran out of the store, i stumbled as i ran. I climbed into my car and sped down the road to get home and tell the boys. I can't believe I saw her, I saw Chloe, she has changed so much but still looks so young. She was like my sister. We were best friends. Then Louis left her, he didn't tell us why,  he just told s to forget her.


I walked into the sitting room and sat down beside Nail . we were talking about his car when Louis stormed into the house slamming the door behind him.

"Hey mate, wheres Chloe?" I asked

"Forget about her" he snapped

"Whats wrong?" Liam asked walking in with Zayn.

"Nothing" he growled

"Did something happen between you and Chloe?" I asked

"I SAID FORGET ABOUT HER NOTHINGS WRONG" He yelled, he then ran up the stair, we all exchanged looks and decided to leave it. 

Since then we haven't talked about her or even said her name. Now I have been talking to her and I'm going to bring the boys to her. Louis has never been the same since that day, yes he has laughed and joked but its not the same as when Chloe was wrong.

I pulled up outside the house. I swayed through the fans and ran into the house.

"BOYS" I yelled they all ran into the sitting room in a panic, I chuckled and gestured for them to sit down.

"Okay Haz, whats up?" Louis asked.

"welllll, when i was at the at the store, a little girl ran up and hugged my leg she was only like 3," the boys chuckled and i cleared my throat "Well her mum came up and literally pulled her off my leg"

"and the point is" Zayn asked raising an eyebrow.

"Her mother was Chloe" I said. The boys gasped and Louis turned pale.

"Oh My God" i heard him mumble.

"so get ready cause we're going to see her" I said smirking.




*After alot of persuasion*




"C'mon Harry turn the car, she probable hate my guts" Louis complained for the 19th time

"No, we are here now, suck it up and be a man" I snapped.

"He's got a point Lou, you've hurt her you need to fix that" Liam said.

I pulled into her drive way and we got out. We walked up to the door and I knocked it 4 times. The door opened and she was standing there shocked.

Chloe's POV:

"uh Hi" I said giving them an awkward wave.

 I was then engulfed into a huge hug from Nail. "I missed ya" He said. I was caught off guard so i didnt hug back at first but then I did. He pulled away with a huge smile.

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