Chaptet 30

11 1 0

I stood in front of the full length in mine and Louis' house. Yes that's right it's been a year since the tour and me and Lou have out own house, Brooke is almost 6 we are getting ready to go to Jason and Lilly's wedding.

I pulled the dress down over my slightly swollen belly and slipped on my shoes. My now brown hair was already curled with a braid around the back and clipped into place while my make up was eye catching.

"Lou help me with the zip." I called to my boyfriend who was in the hallway doing his tie. He walked through the the bedroom soot flattening down his black die that day perfectly above his white shirt.

I felt his hands brush against the bare skin of my back, as he pulled the zip up. He wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head in my shoulder and smiling at the reflection of us in the mirror.

"I look and feel fat." I huffed as Lou kissed my neck and rested his hands on my swollen belly.

"Sweetheart you not fat! You still have another seven months for that bump to get bigger, then you can feel fat. But not now." Louis laughed lifting me up bridal style spinning me around kissing my lips.

"I love you Chloe. I really do love you." Louis whispered looking into my green eyes.

"And I really love you louis" I whispered, pecking his cheek. We both smiled as he set me down on the ground.

"Right lets go." Louis said grabbing my hand and pulling me along with him after he grabbed Brooke's hand from her seated position in front of the television.

* * *

I was seated between Louis and Harry in the church, while Brooke sat beside Louis next to Niall who was beside Liam and Zayn was next to Harry. I didn't recognise many of the people around me except from a few people my mother was friendly with from the town, and the football team.

U smiled at Jason as he stood at the top of the alter next to who I  recognised as James Lee my brothers best friend from primary school right through to now.

My thoughts were cut short as the organ began to play traditional music for the bride to walk down the isle.
Three little girls in purple knee length dresses walked down past us all with white baskets throwing out red rose petals, then came two bridesmaids dressed in long pink gowns with sparkly shoulder sleeves and belts and last but not least Lilly dressed in a beautiful puffy princess dress cam walking slowing with a huge smile etched on her face, holding a bouquet of bed roses tied with a pink ribbon.

I smiled picturing Lilly as me in a year or two, and Jason would be Louis standing tall and proud waiting for me as I came towards him the excitement building with each step I would take. Brooke and the little being growing inside of me if its a girl would be my flower girls and my two best friends would be my bridesmaids, my dress would be pure white, slim and tight on my torso and then puffs out at my waist but not too much, I was brought out of my thoughts when Harry Harry squeezed my hand I quickly turned my head as he snickered.

"What?" I whispered in a hiss

"What's got you all smiley?" Harry giggled in a hushed whisper.

"Nothing, I was just thinking." I sighed and began to focus my attention back in the wedding.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. Mr Ritchie, you may now kiss the bride." Everyone began to clap as Jason pulled Lilly into him and kissed her straight on the lips and her arms found there way to his necks and I could see the smile on both their faces.

I smiled as they walked down the isle together, hand in hard but with giant smiles sitting on their lips.

I was sat at a table with The boys and Brooke while people were reading out their speeches, I knew I had to do one to because I was his only sibling.

"Now for the sister of the groom." The man holding the microphone called out. I stood up as people clapped and made my way up to the front.

"Hello, I'm Chloe, Jason's sister. I'll be honest, living with Jason was hit easy, with all the pranks, fights, and how he'd hog the TV. But that didn't stop him from being a great brother, he was always there for me and loved me. On my 16th birthday, the squad and I headed down to the nightclub to celebrate, as someone of you may know I was a cheerleader, the captain. So we went down to the club and took a few shots to begin with and leaving out the messy details I got drunk, very drunk. I thought I was getting married to guy I had met on the dance floor and I rung Jason to be my flower girl. So Jason came and rescued me from getting married and hauled me into his car. But as he desperately tried to sober me up, he and I made a promise, on our wedding day we were to give the lucky bride or groom the charms we bought for each other. That we would let go and give the partner their turn to love, care, and fight with either me or Jason. So Lilly have fun." I ended it off walking up to Lilly and handing her the small back box that held a chain with an infinity fight with Jason engraved on it. Jason has one the same only with my name.

I sat back down beside Lou who slung his arm over my shoulder. "That was sweet." He whispered kissing my cheek

I just nodded and smiled watching as they began their first dance and gradually people got up to join them. Lou and I finally went up and began to dance swaying back and fourth and side to side then moving to where the music took us.

"Why the hell are you here?" A sharp voice cut in tearing my thoughts from Lou.

"Excuse me?" Louis Brooke stepped in. I spun around to see my mother standing with arms folder over her chest.

"Mum here with my family to celebrate my brothers wedding!" I sasses the bitch.

"A whore, like you is not apart of my family." She rolled her eyes and fluxes her hair.

"I wasn't talking about you! I was talking about my really family, my boyfriend, my daughter, Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry!" I took a step towards her but she stood her ground.

"Your not welcome here. Your a disgrace to my family!" She hollered, but now the music was silenced and everyone's attention was in my mother and I.

"Well I guess mother like daughter, your the one who had Jason at 16, oh and let's not forget your not sure if dad even is my father since you slept around that much!" I yelled back at her, when I heard gasps I felt her had collide with my face, I felt nothing until I landed in my side in the ground, Harry ran forward pushing my mother back and the audience we had caught the attention of stared at me in shock.

Louis rushed to my side helping me up! I felt sharp pains in my stomach as I stretched up.

"She's pregnant you bitch, you just hit your own pregnant daughter! What the hell is wrong way you!" zayn barked.

I felt myself being lifted off the ground as my eyes closed and I was engulfed by the peace of the dark.


I lifted Chloe up as her eyes fluttered closed. I hugged her into my chest running out with the boys hot in my trail.

Harry opened the door of the van as I jumped in Chloe still in my arms.

"Daddy, what's wrong with mummy?" Brooke asked panicked jumping in to the van too.

"I don't know babe, I don't know."


I stared at her flawless face as she laid in the bed. Her complexion was perfect, her hair, her figure, everything was perfect, but she doesn't belong to me.

I pushed a stead of hair off her face and tucked it behind her ear. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I stood up and walked out of the room closing the door behind me.

When I walked into the living room Louis was laying on the sofa with his head on Louis lap and his feet in Liam's lap while Niall stood by the fireplace in his phone.

"Any signs?" Louis tiredly asked his eyes still closed.

"Naw mate not yet." I sighed and he just stayed quiet.!

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