[💗💞]Better With You Anyways[💻🍑]

647 7 6

[💗] Jean
[💗] Slight Haisy

[🖤] Little bit

Oneshot Warnings: None


Seans POV

I sighed. It's been a week since me and Daisy broke up so now, I'm spending valentine's day alone.

I decided to go on a walk to clear my head since I didn't want to be at home anyways.

As I'm walking, I notice a familiar blonde-haired boy up ahead.

"Oh okay... I understand. Well have fun with Daisy.."

He sounded upset.

Who's hanging out with Daisy?

"Hey Jake."

I walk up to him as he puts his phone away.

"Oh hey Sean."

He looks down at his feet upset.

"Are you okay?" I ask worried.

"No.. Hailey just broke up with me.."

"Oh I'm sorry. Why did you say have fun with Daisy though?"

"Because she kind of broke up with me for Daisy."

Wow both of our girlfriends left us for each other.

"Oh.." I look down at my feet.

I hoped Daisy would have at least taken a little bit to move on.

I guess not.

"So, you got nothing to do today either?" He suddenly asked Wich startled me a bit.

"O-oh! Yea I don't have anything to do..."

"Well do you want to hang out? Like nothing romantic just as friends."

"Oh u-um sure." I could feel my face start to heat up a bit.

I know he said just as friends but I had always liked Jake.

I only dated Daisy because he started to date Hailey and I wanted to move on.

Sure I actually liked Daisy towards the end but I never got over Jake.

He smiled and we began to walk.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked as we walked.

"I had reservations for a restaurant but it's a Romantic place so we can go wherever your want."

A romantic restaurant with Jake?

I felt butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.

"We can go there. We don't have to think of it as romantic!"

"Okay then. Let's go." He led me towards the restaurant.

We fell into a comfortable silence as we walked.

Finally we reached the restaurant.

It wasn't a normally romantic place but when Valentine's came around it all changed.

"S-see. We can go somewhere else." He turned his head away from me and rubbed the back of his neck as he spoke.

"N-no its okay." I smiled.

"Okay then." Me and Jake walked into the restaurant.

(What happened in the restaurant was hella basic. They ate and talked. So, I'm skipping ahead.)

Third Person POV

Sean and Jake walked out of the restaurant laughing at some dumb joke Jake made (Lol)

"Thanks for offering to hang out with me. Today would have been pretty sucky if you hadn't."

Sean smiled.

"No problem! You really helped me feel better after the thing with Hailey!" Jake smiled back.

As they walked Jake felt his face begin to heat up.

He had liked Sean for a while but buried it.

Now here he was hanging out with him on valentines day.

Their hands kept slightly brushing together as they walked causing them both to get butterflies in their stomach.

They both wanted to intertwine their hand in the others but were too afraid that the other didn't like them back.

Eventually Jake decided to just do it.

He grabbed Seans hand and looked away as a blush filled his face.

Sean was shocked for a moment but didn't pull away.

Wich shocked Jake.

They both just walked in a comfortable silence for a bit.

"Hey Jake.." Sean spoke breaking the silence.

"Y-yeah?" Jake stuttered slightly nervous.

"Why'd you grab my hand?" Sean had decided to tease him a bit because Jake looked so cute when flustered.

"I-I! Um..." Jake hid his face Wich was red as a tomato.

Sean chuckled a bit as they reached Jakes house.

"Well I guess you should go now." Sean sighed letting go of Jakes hand.

"U-um yea!" Jakes face was still red.

Neither of them moved though.

They looked at each other in the eyes as they both leaned in a bit.

Sean cupped Jakes cheek in his hand and their lips touched.

Jake put his hands around Seans neck and Sean put his other hand on Jakes waist.

They had finally kissed and all it took was Jake being broken up with on valentines day.

As they pulled apart they smiled.

"I'm glad today turned out the way it did." Jake pressed his forehead against Seans and looked in his eyes.

"Why?" Sean smirked, he knew the answer to that question.

"Because even though I didn't get to go out with Hailey it was better with you anyways."


I'm not a huge fan of this one but I tried! Anyways this is based on this prompt from OTP prompt generator.

I'm not a huge fan of this one but I tried! Anyways this is based on this prompt from OTP prompt generator

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