[🤝🖤] Promise [🍑💗]

650 3 2

[🤝] Joey

[💗] Slight Droey


Requested by: Me

Oneshot Warnings: SUICIDE

(This is my own Au called childhood friends)


Third Person POV

Two young girls sat on a bench, kicking their legs back and forth as they chattered excitedly.
Huge smiles plastered on their faces, as they talk.
Wind blowing their tied up hair around behind their head.

Then a though came in to the green eyes girls head.
They never wanted to be apart, so she decided to make a promise with the peach haired girl.

"Hey Jasmine?" One of the girls asked her sister.
"Yeah Zoey?" The other responded.
"Can you promise me that we will be together forever? Or atleast at the end?"
That question scared Jasmine a bit but she smiled and nodded, "of course Zo."
They both raised their hands up, intertwining their fingers to make a promise.
"Okay then! Even if we split apart we will atleast be together in the end!" Zoey stood up, putting her hands on her hips and tilting her head up.
This made the other girl giggle as she stood up aswell.

The two girls ran off, getting lost in their own world.
Completely forgetting about their problems, they didnt matter at the moment.
All that mattered was the time they spent with eachother.

Zoey walked up to the roof and sighed.

She was all alone now.
Everyone had found out about what shes done, everyone hates her now.

She walks to the edge and stares down, tempted to jump.
But she doesnt.
She sits and she waits.
She waits for him to come.

Finally she hears his footsteps, as they approach the roof.
He opens the door, and looks at her.
She turns to face him and smiles, beckoning him closer.
He listens and steps closer.
"Hey Jake."
"Hi Zoey."
They were both very different, but very Similar.
Both shaped by society's cruel expectations, both changed for their own selfish reasons, and now both alone.
No one liked her due to what she did to Drew, and just how she treated people altogether, no one liked him due to what he did to the music club.
They were both very different but so similar.

"Why did you want me to meet you here?" He asked confused.
"We promised to be together in the end Jake." His eyes widened but he still didnt understand.
"What about that? And that was just a promise we made when we were dumb kids." He rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.
"We have nothing left J. So.. Let's keep the promise, and end it all together." She held her hands out to him smiling.
Tears now pouring out of her light green eyes.

"Are you- are you saying we-"

She nodded.

He thought for a moment, afraid.
But then he thought back to everything that's happened.

Shes right, they have nothing left.
Atleast this way they will leave together.

Leaving this world full of pain and tears together..

Soon he reached his hands out and grabbed hers.
They both had tears flowing out of their eyes as the stood on the roof hand in hand.

Finally she took a few steps back towards the edge, tripping on the ledge they fell backwards to their death.

They were ending it all, but it didnt matter to them.

They were together again.

And as they landed they weren't sad, they didnt feel pain, they felt happy.

They died hand in hand.

Keeping their promise that they made oh so many years ago.


Yay angst!!

So I have officially killed off Jake, 4 times.
There will be more

Pretend the fence that guards the roof isn't there okay

This is heavily inspired by, angstisdelicious
Oneshot called "Eternal Happiness"
(Go read it, its really good)

Btw if your wondering why it starts off with two girls then Jake and Zoey, its because "Jasmine" is Jake.
Hes trans in this story because yes.
Also they are twins because yes.

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