[💗💞]Everything Goes According to Plan[🍑😈]

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[💗] Jamilly
[💗] Slight Lander and Sailey


Requested by: rockerchan

Oneshot Warnings: None


Third person POV

It was lunch time at rosemeadow high and four students sat inside the music room.
They had "cancelled" lunch time rehearsals so they could make a plan to get their other two band mates together.

"Zander maybe that's how you and Luke got together but we can't just have someone confess to Milly or Jake and pray the other sees it and then they fall in love." The teal haired girl grumbled putting her face into her hand.

Zander groaned, "Why not?" He whined.
"Because not everyone's life is like yours." Hailey pushed herself up onto the table that Sean's computer normal sat, next to him. (Next to Sean. I worded it weirdly)
"Well we can't just lock them in a room with eachother either just because that's how you and Sean got together." Luke chuckled lightly.

"But it worked for us." She argued.
"Yea but Milly and Jake aren't as open with their feelings as you two." Zander leaned against the wall by the door.

"Well then I don't know! They are so hard to deal with!" Hailey shouted raising her arms and then shooting them back down.
"Calm down babe. We'll figure something out." Sean grabbed her hand and smiled wich caused a bright tint of blush to form on her face. "O-okay." She mumbled.

"Maybe we could do it outside of school?" Sean suggested.
"That could work but how." Luke rubbed his chin thinking.
"Maybe something like a sleepover with the whole club?" Haileys eyes lit up as the idea came to her.
"That could work! You know Milly would come!" Luke smiled at the final conclusion on what they could do.
"Yea and I'm sure Jake would come to." Zander grumbled.

"Zander I know you don't like him but the tension between them is getting almost as bad as it was with you and Luke." Sean hopped off the table and grabbed Haileys hand helping her off aswell.
"Yea except it's one sided this time." Hailey added.
"I hope Jake will return her feelings. I don't want to see her hurt." Sean's smile had formed into a frown at the thought.
"Hey it's okay love I'm sure he will accept them!" (I'm sorry but I'm currently obsessed with the idea of calling people love) she pulled Sean into a small hug to cheer him up. He ran his fingers through her hair a few times and then they pulled apart. (Let's just say her hair is down today) "Ugh. Must you be so lovey dovey with my sister?" Zander groaned and rolled his eyes.
"Says you." Hailey shot back as she put her hands on her hips.
"What's that supposed to mean!" Zander whined.
"You know!" Hailey yelled at the purple haired boy.
"Ugh!" Zander stormed out of the music room like a toddler who couldn't get the barbie doll they wanted.
Hailey laughed a little as Luke sighed and followed him out.
"Why must you always provoke him?" Sean tilted his head back and groaned.
"He started it!" Hailey whined.
Sean chuckled a bit and kissed her softly on the forehead as the bell rang.
"See you tonight!"
"S-see you tonight!" She stood there for a moment pink as Millys hair (the pink part at the bottom)

Time skip
End of the day

This time all six of the music club members were sitting in the music room.
"Zander like I said I dont like your stupid classical music!" Milly yelled.
"And I dont like your loud a$$ music!" Zander snapped back.
"We've covered this a thousand times! We can have elements of both!" Hailey groaned at the both of them.
Sean looked at her with a look that asked should I mention it? and she nodded.
Sean took a deep breathe, "Hey guys me and Hailey were thinking that maybe we should have a sleepover at her house tonight since we cancelled lunch time practice." Zander and Luke both pretended like they didnt already know about this and spoke.
"Why our house! Hailey!" Zander whined stamping his foot.
"Because Zander." Hailey glared at him.
"Come on sweetie I'm sure it will be okay." Luke smiled at the lavender eyes boy wich caused a blush to form on his face.
"Hell yeah! Of course I'll go! I love sleepovers!" Milly jumped up and down.
"Sure I'll go." Jake smiled wich earned a blush from Milly.
The rest of the club gave her a smug look while Jake remained oblivious. (lol)

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