[💗💞] Thunderstorms[💅💗]

515 4 6

[💗] Zia
[💔] Slight Droey

Slight [🖤]

Requested by: SCP-F-1-N

Warnings: None I believe (let me know if I need to add some)

{Btw it takes a little bit to get to what they requested but I cant help writing more story line lol, you can skip the beginning if you want but it may screw up the storyline of the oneshot, also I didnt follow your request exactly like Zoey didnt hide in a closet but I did my best.}


♡Lias POV♡

Alot has changed recently, the music freaks found out the truth about what happened and he ended up leaving us for them which sucked. Drew's teasing of them got even worse due to it. Also apparently Henry felt guilty and ended up apologizing to them and leaving us aswell. Then Drew found out about Zoeys cheating and using him for money so he broke up with her, which is understandable. Shes been pretty sad recently and even though she definitely deserved to be told off for what she did wrong I still feel bad for her. Because Drew and Zoey broke up we left him and Liam so now its just me and Zoey. Honestly even though she can be pretty rude I dont want to stop being her friend, especially since now I dont have any other friends to go to anymore anyways.

I sighed and put my phone to my side, looking around for any sign of her. She was supposed to meet me by our lockers like 10 minutes ago but shes not here yet. Its pretty awkward to be here alone since Liam and Drew are next to me. Honestly everything's been awkward when it comes to the lockers now, since me, Zoey, Drew, Henry, Liam and Jake all got lockers next to eachother it's hard to ignore eachother when getting our stuff because we are so used to talking to eachother and stuff. Also the glares Jake shoots at all of us sends chills down my spine, although we definitely deserve it. We never should have gotten him kicked out of the club, but what's done is done. I'm personally just glad hes happy now.

I looked over and noticed Henry digging in his locker, I feel horrible for him. Hes been so sad and lonely recently because he left Drew and Liam but its not like Jake and the music club would forgive and forget. I give him a small wave and a slight smile, he returns the wave and an awkward smile before shutting his locker and rushing to the exit of the school.

I pulled out my phone to check the time, shes 20 minutes late now. I didnt know I spent so much time thinking, damn. I looked up again and finally saw the familiar blonde haired girl I was waiting for. "Hey Zoey!" I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up straight (correction bi) giving her a smile.  "Hey Lia." She muttered opening her locker and stuffing her books from her last period inside it, clearly upset. "Let me guess, Liam was making gold digger remarks again?" Hes been doing that ever since they broke up and its starting to piss me off. Maybe they were true but it doesn't stop it from hurting her. Can I even talk though? I mean we did the same thing to the music fre- club.

No, that doesn't matter. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that no matter what. I'm getting to the point where I'm going to start a fight with him, even though he'll probably win maybe he will leave her alone. But I cant risk getting suspended, because then I'll be leaving her here alone and I cant do that. "Yeah he is. And its seriously starting to piss me off!" She shouted, slamming her locker shut. "I'm sorry Zo. You dont deserve the consistent taunting from them, no matter what." I put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her, it obviously didn't work though. Small things like that dont calm her down but she doesnt like hugs or anything either so its extremely hard.

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