[💗🤝🖤] Hearing Him Out[🍑🫐]

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[💗] Jailey
[🤝] Jailey
[🤝] Slight Seally

[🖤] to [💞]

Requested by: ChaimaShi

Oneshot Warnings: panic attack

Btw this takes place after episode 9


♡Third Person POV♡

Jake sat on the floor of the music room thinking about what happened.
He still couldn't fully process it, everything around him felt jumbled.
He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks but couldn't tell he was crying.
He wanted to fix it all, he didnt want this to happen.
He hates Drew hates Zoey, he hates everyone.
But its not really their fault, its his.
And he hates himself for it.

It started getting harder for him to breathe as he fully processed what happened.
He was out of the club.
They would never trust him again.
They hate him.
And even if he did get back in things would never go back to how they were.
He ruined it.
He ruined it all.

He crawled over and leaned himself up against the wall, it was the only way he could keep himself up right now.
He wanted to run but his legs would probably collapse under him if he tried.
He brought his knees to his chest and wrapped one of his arms around them.
He pulled him other hand up and intertwined it into his hair.
He started sobbing uncontrollably, his whole body shaking.
He didnt know what to do, he could never fix this.

He shut his eyes quickly, refusing to look at the instruments around him.
They all reminded him of them.
He knew he should probably just leave and he wouldnt have to look at them, but he was to weak.
He felt like he was going to die as it became even harder for him to breathe.
He dug his nails into his legs to give him some sort of feeling that he was still alive.
He didnt feel like it, he felt like he was gone and this was all some sort of illusion.

Thoughts began to jumble in his head and the club members words replayed over and over.
Then he felt someone shaking him, he didnt know who it was but it calmed him slightly.
He could hear them speaking but couldn't make out what they were saying.
He wanted to open his eyes but they refused, the dried tears acting as a bit of glue.

Finally his thoughts calmed down.
He could still hear the person talking but this time he could make out their voice.
He knows who it is.
"Jake!" She called out, shaking him a bit more trying to snap him out of it.
He removed his hand from his blonde hair and forced his eyes open, being met with her shimering black eyes.
Wait.. was she crying? He noticed her eyes were red and puffy, with tear stains down her cheeks.
Wait. Obviously she was crying! It was the first thing you noticed when you walked in for practice today! He mentally slapped himself for being an idiot before drawing his attention back to the people infront of him.

He noticed it wasnt just her but there was also a short fiery red haired girl and a tall ebony hair boy behind her.
He assumed they were angry at the fact that he was still there.
He assumed they wanted him gone.
"O-oh. Sorry I'll just go now!" He quickly sat up and went to run afraid of what might happen if he stayed.
But then he felt a hand on his wrist, he looked behind him and saw the same teal haired girl who was shaking him out of his thoughts earlier staring at him with worry.
"You arent leaving until you tell us what just happened to you." She spoke, her voice was filled with worry yes but you could still hear the hurt from earlier.

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