[💗💞]Holding Hands[💻🍑]

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[💗] Jean
[💔] Slight Staisy

[🤝] Saisy
[🤝] Jander


Requested by: YunaMayLuker
(Sorry for tagging you twice I just wanted to post this on this book aswell)

Oneshot Warnings: None


Jake's POV

I sighed as I walked down the hallway to the music room.
Its currently 12:03 so I'm fairly certain no ones in there.
Normally I would end up leaving at 12:39 but today's different.
I want to go somewhere that I can be alone for a while.
Drew and the others were very confused when I got up to leave so early but I didnt listen to their protests trying to get me to stay.
I felt hurt.
No not hurt.
Heart broken
Earlier as I was walking to lunch I saw Daisy and Sean walking together, holding hands.

I dont know why but the thought of Daisy dating someone else never really hurt me as much as I thought it would so I'm not sure why this hurts as much as it does.
I mean..
I cant like Sean right?

I opened the door to the music room and just as I thought, no one was in here.
I walked over to a corner and sat down against the wall.
I dont know why but I felt tears form.
I dont like Daisy anymore.
So why does this hurt so much.
I hugged my knees to my chest and then the tears wouldnt stop.
I thought for a moment as I cried into my knees then I came to the realization.

I'm not upset about this because of Daisy.

No I dont even like her anymore.

I'm upset about this because..

I like..


I sat there for a moment.
Just thinking.
I have been getting a weird feeling when I'm around him.
I couldn't tell what it was before but now I can.
My face would heat up and I would get butterflies in my stomach whenever I saw him.
Hes dating Daisy.
I sighed and continued to cry.

I dont know how long I sat there but then the door opened.
I looked up and saw a purple haired boy looking at me.
I quickly looked away.
I didnt want him to see me crying.
"Jake? Are you. Crying?" He asked confused.
"N-no." My voice was shaky so that gave it away.

He walked closer to me and kneeled down infront of me.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I could hear worry in his voice now wich confused me.
He hates me.
So why would he be worried about me?
"N-no.." I sighed a defeated sigh as more tears rolled down my cheeks.
"What's wrong?" He put a hand on my shoulder.
"Its just.. I like this person, and I didnt realize it till now but I'm pretty sure they have a girlfriend now. Besides I dont think they like me anyways."
Zander sighed.
"Well maybe you should try confessing?" He suggested, clearly unsure of how to comfort me.
"I dont know. I dont think they'll like me back." I sighed and tilted my head back, pressing it against the wall.
"Well maybe you should try. Maybe you misunderstood, I mean you've liked her for a while now havent you?"
"Her?" I asked confused.
"Its Daisy isnt it?" Zander asked also confused.
"No. It's not her." Zanders eyes widened slightly.

"But weren't you literally pining over her a couple days ago."
"Well. It's more of an act that I put on. I didn't even fully realize I didnt like her until today."
"Wow.. So then who do you like?" Zander tilted his head to the side confused.
"I dont really want to say it, but I dont know how long I've liked him." I sighed.
Zanders eyes widened at the word 'him'
"Its a boy?" Zander asked, suprised.
"Wow I thought you were straight." Zander scoffed.
"Nah. I'm bi."
"Well the rest of the club will be here soon." Zander stood up and held a hand out to me.
I grabbed it and he helped me up.
He walked over to his piano and prepared to play.
I wiped away my tears and leaned against the wall as I waited for the rest of the club.

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