[💗💞] Rejected Lovers [🍑📚]

632 13 9

[💗] Jacy
[💗] Slight Haisy and Lander
[💔] Stuke and Jaisy

[🖤] to [💞]

Requested by: VAkirisa
(Sorry it took so long to get it done I had no motivation for a while. Also I'm sorry if this isnt exactly what you wanted but I tried)

Oneshot Warnings: None

This is kind of an au where Jake doesn't feel comfortable opening up to the club yet but Hes still been in it for a while.


Third Person POV

It was afterschool on a Thursday and usually Jake would be at home playing videogames but instead he was running towards the school garden, tears pouring down his cheeks. He finally confessed to Daisy, he really thought today was the day, but he was wrong. He doesn't know if he was too late or if he ever even had a chance. She was super nice about it but that doesn't make it stop hurting. He's liked her since middle school, he just never had the courage to tell her until now but of course it was too late. 

He ran out towards the fountain, thankfully everyone was gone so he was alone. He sat down on one of the benches near the fountain and began to cry into his hands. He felt so alone, he knew his "friends" would make fun of him for getting rejected and he didn't feel comfortable enough to tell the music club, besides one of the main reasons she rejected him was due to the fact that she was dating Hailey now. 

"Hey you okay?" A sudden voice caused him to snap his head up. Infront of him he noticed a navy-blue haired girl Infront of him. He recognized her, she's in one of his classes but he couldn't remember her name. "You okay?" She asked in a soft voice, kneeling down Infront of him. "U-um... No.." He sighed, avoiding looking at her periwinkle eyes. "What's wrong? I mean you don't have to tell me but if you want someone to talk to, I'm here to listen." She said, smiling softly and putting a hand on his knee. (ISTG DO NOT TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY) 

"Will you tell anyone?" "No, of course not." She said softly, her face still holding a caring worried look. "First, what's your name?" He asked, not exactly wanting to tell someone his problems without even knowing their name. "I'm Stacy, what about you?" At the mention of the name Jake immediately remembered a conversation with Liam and Henry from a while ago about Stacy's mom. He sighed and shook his head, getting the thought out of his mind before speaking. "I'm Jake." "Nice to meet you Jake, now wanna talk about why your crying?" She asked, standing up to sit next to him on the bench. "It's probably gonna sound stupid but it's just..." He paused for a second, not wanting her to make fun of him. "I've liked this girl for a while, since middle school. And today i decided to tell her but she rejected me. Turns out she's dating one of my best friends and neither of them told me. It kind of hurts my friend didn't tell me, especially since she knows I like her." He spoke quickly, not wanting to make it seem more dramatic than it is.

"Ah, I see. Rejection is tough." She mumbled, looking down at her feet. He looked over and her, noticing her face held an understanding look. "Did you get rejected recently?" He asked, not even thinking about the possible embarrassment if he was wrong. "Yeah, I confessed to a boy that I had a crush on since Freshman year but turns out he loves his childhood best friend." She huffed out a small laugh and shook her head, "I really should have known though, the way they looked at each other, it was obvious. I guess I'm just oblivious..." She muttered. "Was it Luke?" Jake asked, remembering one time when Zander was complaining about a girl who confessed to Luke before he got to. "H-how did you know?!" She shouted, eyes wide. "I'm in the music club and they mentioned you before. Not by name obviously but still." He explained. Her expression softened and she chuckled a little. "I see, that makes sense." 

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