[💔🖤]Hurtful Words[🍑🍇]

806 10 15

[💔] Jander


Requested by: Me myself and I

This takes place in their senior year, episode 9 did happen but they learned the truth and everyone made up. Zander and Luke broke up shortly before the competition and Zander and Jake got together like a month after but their relationship is a secret to everyone but Hailey.

Sean has already graduated btw

(Also I know I have requests to work on and I will I just dont have motivation for any of them rn)

Oneshot Warnings: Swearing but its censored


Third Person POV

It was after school and all after school clubs were done.
Some students stayed behind though, just because.
Zander, Hailey, Luke, and Milly happened to be a few of those students.
Jake had stuff to do that night so he had to leave.

The four students sat in the music room talking.
"I miss Sean!" Milly groaned, slouching in her chair.
"You say that all the time Milly." Zander put his face in his hand, annoyed at Milly always talking about Sean.
"You cant be annoyed at her always talking about Sean when you never shut up about Jake." Hailey smirked, watching as her stepbrothers face went red.
"Oooooh~" Milly sat up in her chair smirking aswell.
"Its not like that! I just still dont trust him! Hes also annoying." Zander felt a hint of guilt as he spoke those words but brushed it off.
It's not like Jake would ever hear them anyways.

"Zander come on. It's the middle of senior year, can't you just forgive him already and be nice?" Luke groaned slouching back in his chair as Milly had a few moments ago.
"No! I cant! It's not my fault hes a jerk!" Zander immediately regretted the words that came out of his mouth but he couldn't seem to control them.
"Come on Zander! Hes like hella nice! That's why he and Sean are my besties!" Milly spoke the last part with pride in her voice.
"They're your besties because they do chaotic things with you guys." Milly rolled her eyes at Haileys words.
"Hes not nice! Hes a f*cking jerk that we only let back in the club because his stupid friends manipulated him!" Zander stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "He doesn't deserve out forgiveness! I dont care what you guys things about him, I hate him!" Hailey gasped at those words.
"Z-zander.." Hailey was the only one who knew about their relationship besides their parents and little siblings.
Zander sat back down and looked at his feet.

"Zander, that's not nice to say about him! It doesn't matter if you dont like him cant you atleast try to be his friend?" Milly stood up and slammed her fists on the table mimicking Zanders past actions.
"Well he deserves it." Zander crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
He felt horrible about this but it was the only way to get them off his back about Jake and him possibly dating.
Wich he could tell is what they were implying earlier.

"No, Zander he doesnt. Come on now!" Hailey was panicking, Jake had texted her a little bit ago that he was coming back to suprise Zander.
She didnt want Jake to hear what Zander was saying, she knew it would hurt him.

Too late
What the four members in the room didnt notice was the aforementioned peach haired boy standing outside the club room listening to every word.

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