[💗💞] Hurtful Words Pt 2[🍑🍇]

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[💗] Jander
[💗] Slight Lailey
[🤝] Jailey


Requested by: Me, Myself and I

Oneshot Warnings: None


♡Third Person POV♡

Jake sat on a bench in the park waiting for Hailey to arrive.
He feels bad about pushing Zander off him yesterday but he couldn't bring himself to forgive him just yet.
So he decided to talk to Hailey to see if she may be able to help him.
Finally she saw the teal haired girl walking around looking for him.
"Hailey!" He called out, she looked over and ran to him.
"Hey. You doing okay?" She asked, worried.
"As okay as you can be doing when your partner says they hate you." He sighs and leans back.
"Jake.." Hailey sat down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
She knows Zander didn't mean what he said but that doesnt mean Jake is obligated to forgive him.
"He did-" he cut her off, knowing what she was going to say.
"I know he didnt mean it. I want to forgive him and move on but it just hurts to much!" He felt like he was going to cry again, and she realized.
"Jake dont cry, you dont have to forgive him. I understand why your hurt, if Luke said he hates me I probably wouldn't just forgive and forget either." He smiled lightly at her words.

Jake sighed and looked up at the sky that was littered with Fluffy clouds.
"What should I do Hailey?" He asked, she thought for a moment unsure on what to say.
"Well I think you should talk to him, tell him how that made you feel but try your best to stay calm." He looked at her and she nodded, she removed her hand from his shoulder and he stood up to go find Zander.

♡With Zander♡

Zander walked to the music room, well more like sulked, bored and upset.
He didnt like what he said about Jake, and all he wanted was to hug him and say sorry.
He didnt care what it would take to make him forgive him, he would tell the whole world about their relationship if that's what he needed to do.
Whatever made Jake forgive him.
Of course he knew Jake would never make him tell everyone before hes ready, Jake's to caring for that, but if that's that's what it would take he would do it.

As he entered the room he sighed and took a seat at Sean's old table, slouching back in the chair, just thinking, unaware of the peach haired boy approaching the door.

Jake opened the door and peeked inside, relieved to see his boyfriend sitting there deep in thought.
"Zander?" He called out, stepping into the room and shutting the door.
This snapped the purple haired boy out of his thoughts.
When he noticed his peach haired boyfriend standing there he hopped out of his chair and ran over to him, pulling him into a hug no matter what he said.
"I'M SO SORRY! I DIDNT MEAN IT AT ALL! I LOVE YOU I DO!" He cried out, tears pouring down his cheeks again.

Jake smiled and wrapped his arms around Zander, hugging him back.
Zander was surprised he didnt shove him off again.
"Its okay. I know you didnt mean it, and maybe I cant forgive you because it really hurt, I cant be without you either." He whispered while rubbing circles on the others back.
He felt tears roll down his cheeks aswell but he ignored them, focusing on his purple haired boyfriend in his arms.
"I love you Jake, I do." He whimpered, nuzzling his head into his neck.
Jake smiled and kissed his head.
"I love you too."


So this is kind of short but yeah!
It's also a bit lazier then a few of my other ones but I didnt have many ideas for this.

I just knew I had to make a part two with them making up so I did!

I love Jander with all my heart, it's my otp. (Fight me toxic Lander and Drake/Jailey shippers also I know it's not just them but it's mostly them if I'm being honest)

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