[💗💞]Take a Break [💸🫐]

845 8 4

[💗] Drailey


Oneshot Warnings: None

Plot/Au: This is in the future after high school when they are married and the music club is now a band. Hailey tends to overwork herself and Drew's tired of it, so when he wakes up in the middle of the night and shes working he makes her take a break.

Requested by: ellie22223


♡Third Person POV♡

The magenta haired male laid asleep in his bed while his wife worked on her bands newest song.
The only light in the room was an orange glow from her desk lamp.
Papers laid scattered over the desk, indecipherable writing scribbled on all of them.
The teal haired girl yawned as she glanced over at the clock that sat towards the back of the desk.
In boxy numbers it read, 3:36 AM.
The woman sighed and pulled her hands up to rub her eyes.
She looked back down at her paper and groaned, once again unsatisfied with the result.
'Why cant I get this right?' She thought as she crumpled up her paper before reaching to grab an empty one.

The only noise in the room was the sound of her lovers breathing and her pencil scratching across the paper beneath her.
The magenta haired boy rolled over before noticing the absence of his wife beside him.
He groaned as he woke up, startling the woman sat at the desk.
"Hails? What are you doing up?" He asked, squinting to try and get a better look at her in the darkness.
"O-oh! Hi love, I'm just working on another song. Sorry if I woke you." She tried her best to make her voice sound cheery but ultimately failed due to how tired she was.
The boy grabbed his phone to check the time and was shocked to see the letters, 3:40 on his screen.
"Sweetheart its 3:40 AM you should be asleep." He looked at her with a worried but annoyed expression.

"I-I know but- but- I just have to finish this song!" The sudden rise in her voice startled the worried male.
"Hails, please come to bed. You can finish it tomorrow." He sat up and dangled his feet off the edge of their bed, throwing the blanket to the side.
"No I cant. I wont have enough time. I have plans with Jake at 8." She shoved her hand into her already messy teal hair and went back to trying to write the perfect lyric.
"Love if you dont go to sleep your not going to be able to go anywhere with anyone at 8."
She groaned but ultimately knew he was right.
"Why do you always get in the way of my work?" She snapped at him.
"Because you overwork yourself!" He shot back, now annoyed.
"Whatever." She mumbled, moving her elbow down to rest on the desk and her head to her hand.

She didnt hear any replys to she assumed he just gave up and went back to sleep.
What she didnt know was the magenta haired boy was actually behind her, planning on how to get her to take a break.
The sound of the pencil scratching had begun to fill the room again, followed by paper crumpling.
Drew walked up behind his wife before she could get another paper and wrapped his arms around her.
"E-eh! Drew!" She looked back at him eyes wide, anger starting to fill her.
He lifted her up out of the chair, and carried her to the bed.
She kicked her legs like a toddler when their parents pick them up to force them into time out.

He gently laid her on the bed and got in next to her.
"Drew I have work to do!" She groaned attempting to get off the bed, but was pulled back down by the taller male.
"You can do it later. Take a break." He pulled her closer to him, cuddling her.
"B-but! Come on!" She protested, attempting to get out of his grip.
Eventually she gave up.
They sat there for a moment until she just decided to give in.
She smiled and nuzzled her head into his neck.
"I guess a break wont be horrible." She muttered, that earned a smile from her husband.
"Goodnight Hails." He whispered into her ear.
"Goodnight love."

"I love you."

"I love you too." Hailey whispered before she drifted off to sleep in her husband's arms.
He held her until he was sure she wouldnt get up and begin to work again once he was asleep, and finally he fell asleep aswell.


I hope this cant be classified as any type of angst lol.

I'm actually proud of this one, more than the others.

I hope this is what you wanted but if its not you didnt give a plot so yea.

I just realized I barely used their names lol.

Anyways byeee.

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