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[🤝] Jaisy
[💗] Slight Droey mention

Ting bit of [🖤]

This is an alternate timeline of my royal au that I'm currently working on, just know this universe is more happy than the cannon version of this au. (I'm writing a full fic on it I just need time and motivation lol)

[Third Person POV]

A young blonde haired boy brushed his hand against the stone wall of his castle as he walked down the empty hallway. He sighed, enjoying the silence of the hallway compared to the loud chatter that filled the ballroom he was in a second ago.

He turned a corner at the end of the hallway, he was suprised to be met with a pair of familiar blue eyes, he had expected to be the only one outside of the ballroom except for the few guards placed about the castle. "Daisy! You scared me!" He exclaimed, causing the white haired girl to let out a soft laugh. "Sorry Jake! Say, what are you doing out of the party? It is your birthday afterall." She questioned, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Its just too loud in there, and too many people." he sighed, looking down at his feet. "Yeah I agree, its all too much." she huffed, also directing her attention to the floor. Jake looked up at the blue eyed girl, suddenly an idea popped up into his head. "My mother or Zoey will probably come looking for us soon, wanna head somewhere more secret?" he asked, extending his hand to the girl with a soft smile. "Sure!" She exclaimed, her mood lightening up at the idea of not having to deal with being a princess for a while.

She smiled and grabbed his hand, he led her up some stairs and down some hallways until they reached an old abandoned library. It was fairly dust and cobwebs lined the ceiling and bookshelves. Daisy looked around, she had never actually seen a place so untaken care of. Every inch of her castle was cleaned and used, but to be fair the Sterling family ruled all the land while her family ruled a small section of the village so his castle was bigger.

"No one comes up here, mother says its too dirty for us to enter now. I dont know why she doesnt just clean it up though, or have a maid do it." The blonde haired boy explained as he walked around the shelves, brushing his hand against them. He didnt mind the dust, he actually liked it a little bit. It was different than what he was used to. He was used to spotless shelves and perfectly cleaned tables, but up here the tables and shelved were covered in dust, cobwebs and dirt. It was a nice change for him, for both of them.

"I like it like this." The girl sighed out of relief. It was cleansing for her to experience something new, sure shes been in the village and thats fairly dirty but she was never allowed to stray off the paths built for walking on so she never got to go near the dirt. Their school was also cleaned often, as requested by Mrs. Sterling, so it never had dusty old abandoned rooms for them to run off to, even the janitors closet was pratically spotless.

"Me too." He smiled as he looked around the room, his eyes finally landing on the balcony that sat outside it, giving whoever stood on it a clear view of the whole village. "Hey Daisy, Come here!" He called out to her, rushing over to the cobblestone balcony. "What is it Jake?" she asked as she walked over towards where he called her from. She then noticed him standing at the edge staring up at the star filled night sky.

"Woah" She mumbled as she stepped up next to him. She stared at the sky with her mouth slightly agape in awe, the stars danced around, filling the dark and empty sky with light, they twinkled much like her eyes when the boy first showed her the dusty room. She loved it, it made her feel at peace.

"Hey Daisy." Jake broke the comfortable silence that sat between the two, refusing to look away from the twinkling sky. She hummed in response, unable to form words at the moment. "Do you ever wish you werent royalty?" he asked, hoping she felt the same way as him. She directed her gaze down to the village below them, staring at the carefree villagers that roamed around, freely living their lives without having to worry about royal restrictions. "Often. I wish I could be a villager, just be free to live my life and talk with whoever I want, make friends with whoever I want. love whoever I want." she muttered the last part but the blonde haired boy still heard it.

"I wish I could be free to do whatever I want too." Jake sighed, turning to look at the blue eyed girl next to him. "You don't want to marry me do you?" He asked. "I- No offense Jake but I dont. I dont think of you that way." She sighed, looking down at the river below below them. "I understand. I don't think of you like that either." Jake smiled lightly, looking back up at the stars.

"Do you like anyone?" The princess asked, turning her head to look at the blonde haired boy. He turned his head to look at her aswell, thinking for a second. "No.... I mean I dont think so... I've never thought about it before." He sighed, meeting her blue eyes with his. She hummed and nodded in response. "Me too." Daisy agreed.

"Wanna sneak out?" The girl was shocked by the sudden question. "W-what?" "Do you wanna sneak out of the castle and go to the village?" Jake asked, turning towards her. "I- but what if our parents find out?" She asked, turning to look at him aswell. He shrugged. The girl was taken aback by his informal nature compared to his usual behavior. "Let's do it Daisy! Let's go live our own lives! I'm sick of being this perfect prince, heck this isnt even my natural hair! Well my hair is blonde but it has natural coral tips that they dyed! I wish I could be myself!" He shouted, leaning himself on the ledge and looking out at the village beneath them.

"Really? I'm sorry Jake. You know what? Let's do it!" Daisy said, plastering a huge smile on her face. Jake smiled, turning back to her and grabbing her wrist. They both ran down the halls, trying to be as quiet as they could, but it was hard due to the fact that they kept laughing. Finally they made it to the entrance of the castle, opening the bridge as quickly as possible before the guards stop them. They quickly ran across the bridge and down the hill that the castle sat on, pushing through the crowd that was outside.

The two laughed as they made their way through the village, not caring about the mud that got on their clothes as they ran. "Where are we going though Jake?" The white haired girl asked, as they stopped towards the back of the village. "I dont know and I dont care, just anywhere besides the castle." He smiled, looking at the girl. "Okay then." She smiled back. They both began to wander around the village, enjoying the feeling of being free. "Wanna go mess with prince Drew to get back at him for cheating on your sister?" Daisy asked, a small smirk forming on her face. "Heck yeah!"

The two teens ran off towards the smaller castle, laughing as they made up plans on how to get back at the magenta haired boy. Sure this freedom wasnt going to last forever and sure they would be in huge trouble later but that didnt matter to them right now, they were just glad to not have to be the perfect prince and princess they were forced to be.


This oneshot has sat in my drafts forever, now originally it was meant to include romantic partners for Jake and Daisy but I didnt like it so I scrapped it, the ending may seem rushed due to it sorry.

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