[💗💞] Necklaces [💗🥬]

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[💗] Henroey (If you dont ship it then oh well- I absolutely adore it)


Since it's Zoey's birthday (only for like another 6 minutes but oh well) imma post this old oneshot that i've had in my drafts for months- (Like I wrote this when school was still in-)


☆Third Person Pov☆
Drews House

Zoey groaned and flopped onto one of the beds in the room, "Whats up with you?" Lia asked, looking up at the blonde. "It's Henry! Hes spam texting me like crazy, and I dont know why!" She complained. Lia chuckled, causing Zoey to shoot her a glare. "You should have expected that when you started dating him of all people." The brown haired girl said, shaking her head and chuckling.

"She has a point Zo." Drew said, putting his phone down. "Yeah yeah, I know." she grumbled, crossing her arms. "Do you know what he wants?" A brunette asked, looking up from his phone. The blonde sat up and shook her head, "He just wants me to meet him somewhere." She said, grabbing her phone and turning it on silent to stop the constant pinging. "Maybe you should just meet him." Lia suggested, looking back down at her phone. "I'm considering it, I might not if he keeps spamming me!" She said raising her voice towards the end of the sentence.

"Hes never actually dated anybody before." Liam pointed out. "That's true." Lia agreed, motioning her phone to Liam. "Yeah I know, its still annoying as fuck though." Zoey mumbled, crossing her arms. "Just go see what he wants, thats all I can say." Drew said putting his phone down to his side. "Fine, I guess ill go." She said, standing up and grabbing her phone. "Be right back guys!" She shouted as she ran out the door.

Zoey opened up her phone and checked the texts to see where he wanted to meet her. Thankfully it was a nearby park so she wouldnt have to run very far. She turned it off and stuffed it into her sweater pocket, trying not to slow her pace as to not keep him waiting any longer.

Finally she arrived at the park, stopping to catch her breath. She looked around for her green haired boyfriend, She noticed him sitting on a nearby bench on his phone, presumeably texting her again.

A small smile crept up on the blondes face as she began to walk over to him. She never thought she would have ended up dating Henry the lettuce lover, but here she is meeting him in a park for a reason still unknown to her. He didnt seem to notice her so she called out to him, "Henry!" he looked up, a huge grin forming on his face immediately when he saw her. "Hey! Sorry for spam texting you" he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Its cool i guess, just dont do it again." She warned, shooting him a glare. "I wont, I promise." He said proudly standing up and putting one hand on his hip and the other on his chest. This caused Zoey to let out a laugh, god she loved this dork.

"Okay! Now what did you need to meet up with me for?" "Right! So um-" He paused, the words getting stuck on his tounge. He put his hand into his pocket and grabbed something inside of it. "I know its not going to be as fancy and good as what Drew used to get you! And I know your probably used to expensive gifts, you probably prefer them so I dont know if your going to like this. If you dont im sorry, I just thought it would be a nice gif-" "Dear your rambling." Zoey pointed out, cutting him off. His face turned red from the pet name, he quickly turned his head to the side to hide it. She let out another laugh and clasped her hands together infront of her skirt, waiting patiently until he wasnt flustered.

After a bit he took a few breaths and calmed down turning back to her. "Okay, I got you something." "I figured." He sighed and pulled his hand out of his pocket, extending it to her. Her eyes widened, it was a golden heart necklace with tiny diamond like stones on the edges, it also had his name engraved in the center. "I-" She couldnt form words, she absolutely loved it. "I hope you like it." He muttered, turning away.

"Like it? I love it!" She exclaimed, pulling him into a hug. She pulled away and looked at him, the biggest smile on her face. He handed her the necklace which she gladly took, quickly putting it around her neck. "I actually got us matching ones." he muttered, digging in his pocket before pulling out a matching gold necklace with only one difference, instead of his name engraved in it, it had hers. She felt her cheeks heat up and a soft smile formed on her face.

She leaned down and pecked his cheek, causing him to become a flustered mess once again. "I love you so much. Thank you for this necklace, and even though its not as expensive as what Drew used to get me it still matters just as much, even more actually. I love it Henry." She felt tears forming in her eyes but wiped them away, shes never felt so loved before.

"I love you too Zoey."


Um ya, so this is rlly old but um.. Idk

Just take it I dont have the motivation to rewrite it 😭

Yo so uh, this is Liz a year later, I'm Republishing this rn and so im aware it's definitely not zoeys birthday anymore but whatever, I just actually really like this oneshot and im not too sure why I ever unpublished it. So i hope you enjoyed!

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