[🖤] Jake snaps alternate timeline ig

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I wrote this for my own comfort.

I wanted to write something like this but I didnt want to make a whole new story for ohe fight scene and i couldn't fit it into Jake snaps so i just wrote a oneshot of it.

This is honestly mostly me projecting onto Daisy so shes extremely ooc.

Anyways this includes uncensored swearing and alot of Hailey slander because I absolutely despise that little bi-

Let's just get onto the oneshot


"Jake, I'll be right back okay? Stacy can you stay with him" Daisy looked towards her blue haired friend for confirmation, she nods and the white haired girl stands up, running out of the room in rage.

She and Stacy had found Jake crying in the music room, they were of course there to comfort him but after he told them what happened her blood boiled.

She didnt like the way the music club treated her friend, even if he did some bad things in the situation aswell atleast he knows what he did wrong. They don't even acknowledge it, but she was going to make them. She was going to make them know what they've done wrong.

She ran through the halls, looking for the music club in pure rage. Finally she found them, she rolled her eyes at the teal haired girl sobbing into her brothers arms. She didnt deserve to cry, she acts like shes had it worse.

Daisy stormed up to the five people, her anger clearly visible on her face. "Daisy? You okay?" Sean asked, seemingly noticing her. "No! I am infact not okay!" She yelled, startling the five upset music club members.

"Well nows not the time for us to hear about your petty little girl problems or whatever!" Zander snapped, this just made the white haired girl angrier.

"Well guess what! They arent my problems!" She glared at all of them, clearly pissed.

"Then what do you want?!" Milly shouted, now angry at the girl screaming at them like they've done something wrong.

"I want to tell you guys that you guys are real jerks you know that?"

Zander and Milly got visibly angry at her words, "How are we the jerks?!" Milly shouted, stomping her foot on the ground in anger.

"You guys never treated Jake fairly! If Zander or Hailey had been the ones who talked shit about you guys you would have heard them out and forgave them! But no! Because it was Jake he was slapped, yelled at and left to cry all alone in the music room!" She snapped, clenching her fist so hard her nails begun to dig into her skin and her knuckles turned white.

"Hes bullied us for years! Then he walks into the club, gets in, builds out trust, makes us think hes our friend, and then he goes and talks shit about us behind our backs! It should be understandable why we treat him unfairly!"

Daisy looked towards the club president who was still crying in the center, now being comforted by Luke and Sean. Seeing her stand there crying made Daisy enraged, Jake told her that he told Hailey about his bullying yet she still kicked him aside the second she had a chance.

"Oh my god! Stop crying! Your not the victim! Your not always the most important person in the world! When will you realize that?!" Daisy pointed at Hailey, all the members taken aback by the sudden attack against the club president, what's worse is Sean started to realize she was right.

"You need to learn that the word doesnt revolve around you and your feelings! When Milly got into that fight with Zoey, she was clearly upset! She didnt need to be yelled at she need help and she needed to be comforted! You know who helped her? JAKE! When Jake said those things or when you guys had that fight in the music room about Drew, you should have tried to think just for one second how he felt instead of crying like a little bitch and then running off! I dont care if he hurt you! Theres more to the fucking story! Especially because you know MORE THAN THEY DO!" She motioned her hand angrily at the rest of the club.

Haileys eyes widened, she was done crying. The realization hit her hard, she just stood by while everyone yelled at Jake. She just sat there and cried while they slapped him and accused him of never having a passion for singing, and the realization of the fact that she did know more than everyone else cut deep.

She knew about being bullied for his passion, she knew his friends were toxic, and she knew damn well why he couldn't leave them. Yet she sat there and cried like a little bitch while they slapped him, yelled at him and eventually left him there to cry alone. She didnt care to hear him out even though she definitely would have if it was anyone else in the club. And she forced him to pick between his friends or the club even when she knew why it was hard for him.

She let out a shaky sigh, blocking out the rest of the fighting that was going on between the music club and Daisy. Only coming back into it when she heard that oh-so-familiar voice.

She looked up to see Jake dragging Daisy away from them and Milly begging Jake to come back to them.

The final words he said to them though cut them all deep like a knife to their hearts.

"I will never come back to your club. You guys didnt bother to hear me out at first so why should I let you guys now? I hope your happy. Now stay away from us like you want me to stay away from you."

And with that they were gone.

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