[💞] Crossing The River

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This is the same au that Promise takes place in.

This takes place when they are all around 10 years old, before Zoey became a huge brat.

(This is my own au called Childhood Friends)


[Third Person POV]

"Jake hurry!" A young blonde haired girl shouted, waving her arms dramatically. She was standing at the edge of a river waiting for him to finish crossing it.

"I'm trying! I'm trying!" He called out, loosing his balance and almost falling off one of the stones he stood on. "Don't fall!" Another girl with white hair called out from behind the previous girl.

"I wont! Chill out Daisy!" Jake called out dragging out the 'o' in wont, nearing the final stones towards the end of the river. Finally he stepped onto the dirt on the other side of the river, turning around to face his friends on the other side.

The blonde haired girl extended her foot to carefully step on the first stone that sat in the flowing water. Finally she got the flow of stepping across the stones, a small smile on her face.

"Hey Zoey!" Jake called out as she got closer to him. She hummed in response, still focusing on hopping across the stones. Jake let out a mischievous laugh and extended his hands out just as she reached the end, knocking her into the flowing water.

"Hey!" She yelped as she landed into the water, that thankfully only went up to her torso when she sat down in it.

"Jake!" Daisy shouted from across the river, trying to prevent herself from laughing, while Jake bubbled into a loud laughter. Zoey began to laugh aswell, forgetting about the fact that she was upset at Jake.

Daisy quickly hopped across the stones herself, reaching where the green eyes girl sat in the river. She extended her hand to the girl, letting a soft laugh escape her lips.

Zoey gladly took the hand and Daisy pulled her up. Both girls landed on the dirt next to Jake, Zoey now soaking wet from the waist down. "Ugh! Now I'm all wet!" She groaned, a look of disgust now formed on her face due to the soggy clothing she now wore on her legs.

Jake let out a soft chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "sorry zo!"

They directed their eyes to the bluenette who was now making her way across the river. "Stac! You said I could go next!" A pink haired boy ran up beside her, accidentally knocking her into the river beside them. "Elliot!" She shouted as she hit the ground. "I'm so sorry Stacy! I didnt mean to!" He quickly added before beginning to laugh.

He went to continue crossing the river but was stopped by a hand grabbing his leg. Stacy pulled him into the river next to her, him groaning a bit as he hit the ground.

The three that stood at the edge of the river began to burst into laughter at their two soaking wet friends. A black haired girl carelessly made her way past the two, chuckling a little as she reached the end of the river.

"Sadie! You couldn't even help us up?" Stacy groaned as she lifted herself out of the water. Sadie just let out another soft chuckle, clasping her hands infront of her as she watched her two friends cross the river back to them.

"Okay let's go!" Zoey shouted, raising her hand and pointing towards the forest.

The kids ran through the forest, bubbling into laughter at the smallest things, the three who were wet not even caring about that anymore.

Nothing could hurt them when they were together.

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