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[🤝💔] Jailey
[🤝] Drailey
[💗] Slight Drake
[💗] Slight Lander and Haisy


Requested by: No one

Oneshot Warnings: Suicide

AU: This is after they graduated high school,

Drew and Jake have been dating since senior year and everyone is friends now.

Jake and Hailey are really close friends, but
do NOT have romantic a relationship.

Jake and Drew get into an argument and break up, wich leads Jake into a spiral of depression and sadness so he makes one final call to his closest friend before ending it all.


Third Person POV

Hailey ran to the peach haired boys house, fear and worry filled her as a thousand thoughts filled her head.
She prayed he was lying, that he was okay.
She had just gotten off the phone with him, on that phone call he told her he was going to end it.
She knew what that meant, she begged him not to but he didnt listen.
So now shes running through the street, her boots soaking wet as she stomps in the puddles below her feet.
She was freezing, due to the rain and the fact that she didnt put her jacket on, but she didnt care.
She couldn't worry about herself in that moment.
She just worried about her best friend.

She looked through her keys but couldn't tell wich one was the key to his house through the blur of tears that filled her eyes.
Eventually she resorted to just sticking keys in the lock until it unlocked.
Finally it unlocked and she swung the door open running in, not caring to close it.
She ran to his bedroom, and froze.
She was too late.
There he was, hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck.
She feel to her knees as tears poured out of her eyes.
She sobbed uncontrollably, because what else would you do when you find your best friend dead?
She sat up and hugged her knees to her chest, tears pouring out of her eyes and she screamed.
She screamed until she couldn't anymore.
Of course the neighbors heard her, a few came inside the apartment and found Jake dead so they called the cops.

An Hour Later

Hailey walked back to her house, rain pouring down on her but she couldn't care.
She didn't know what to feel anymore.
The ambulance had arrived and taken Jake away but of course it was too late.
He was already dead, but she knew that the second she saw him.
She'll never forget his eyes, normally they were filled with life and sparkle and happiness, but in that moment they were dead and empty.
It broke her to notice the difference, she hated it.
She felt tears begin to roll down her cheeks as she walked through the rain, staring down at the concrete.
Her tears joined the rain on the pavement, barely even noticable if you couldn't see her face.

Finally she reached her house, as she entered she saw her girlfriend, Daisy, sitting on the couch with her step brother and brother in law.
"Hey Hail- Woah! What's wrong!" Zander jumped off the couch and ran over to her, she had visible pain on her face.
"I-I" she couldn't bring herself to say it.
More tears began to pour out, despite her looking down Zander still noticed this and he grabbed her, pulling her into his arms.
"Hails.." Daisy and Luke were now standing behind Zander, visible worry on their faces.
"H-hes.. Hes dead." She choked out between sobs.
All three of their eyes widened in shock.
"W-who?" Daisy asked shakily.
"J-jake!" She pushed her head down into Zanders shoulder, shaking violently from the rain that had fallen on her earlier and her sobbing.
She could feel her brother start to shake aswell, clearly crying.
Then she could hear everyone in the room crying.
No one wanted to believe it but it was true.
He was gone.
The young optimistic peach haired singer that brought light into a room was now gone, he was dead.
They would never hear one of his snarky jokes again or his singing, they would never see his bright smile and warm hazel eyes again.
He was gone, and it broke everybody.

Finally everyone was as calm as they could possibly be, wich still had some of them crying, but it was as calm as they could be in the moment.
Then Haileys phone rang, she looked down and her eyes widened at the contact, it was someone she hadn't talked to in weeks due to his break up with Jake, '🍇Off Brand Grap🍇' was his contact name, it made her smile a bit until she remembered what she would have to tell him.
She swiped right and pulled the phone to her ear, quietly excusing herself to another room, and waited to hear the voice on the other line.
"Hey Hailey." He finally spoke.
"Hey Drew.." her voice was clearly broken, she was clearly hurt.
"Woah are you okay?" He asked, worry rising in him.
"Not really, but can you tell me why your calling first?"
"Um yeah sure." He paused, thinking of how he should word this.
"Do you know why Jake is answering my calls or texts? I want to make it up with him, I feel horrible, can you tell him I want to talk atleast?" Her heart dropped.
"Um.. I can't" her voice broke as she spoke.
"W-why not?"
"Because.. h-hes-" she paused as more tears came out.

"Hes dead."

Drew dropped his phone at those words.
Tears filled his eyes and his chest hurt.
He had accused Jake of cheating on him with Hailey a few weeks ago and it led to their break up, he felt bad about it now and wanted to make up but he couldn't now.
He would never see him again.
Jake was dead.
The love of his life was dead.
Drew could hear Hailey on the other side of his phone but her voice was muffled due to his phone being on the ground.
He fell to his knees and broke down, tears flowed down his cheeks and he audibly sobbed.
"NO! HE CANT BE DEAD! H-he can't be.." Drew moved intertwined both of his hands into his hair as he sobbed.

He sat on the floor sobbing for a while until he felt someone wrap their arms around him, pulling him into a hug.
"Drew.. I know. I know it hurts but I'm here." He heard her say.
He knew who it was, and even though shes not who he wanted to hug, he hugged her back.
"It hurts your more than anyone and I'm so sorry you couldn't fix things before hand." She mumbled as they both cried in eachothers arms.
"I-I shouldnt have accused him of cheating with you! I know you two are great friends, I shouldnt have assumed more!"
"Shh.. its okay." Her voice soothed him, it always has.
They may have been enemies in high school but now she was one of his best friends.
"Hailey. Did you find him?"
He felt her nod and his heart broke for her.
"I'm sorry..."
"Its not your fault.."
They both just sat there holding eachother, crying until they couldn't cry anymore, finally Drew fell asleep.
Hailey grabbed him and lifted him up, carrying him to his bedroom.
She layed him down on his bed and looked at the photo laying on his bed side, it was of him and Jake, both their arms around eachothers shoulders smiling.
She smiled at the photo before putting her hands in her sweater pockets and turning to leave.

Jake may have been gone, but they still had eachother.
Sure no one could replace him, Drew may never fall in love again but that doesnt matter.
He doesn't need to.
He has his friends and his memories of his lover to keep him going.
It will be hard for a while but hes never alone.


Yea so um, yay Jake's dead.
(JK I love jake hes my favorite
Why is killing off Jake so satisfying?
Idk why I just enjoy it lol, also this definitely won't be my last one where he dies.

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