[💗💞]Touch Starved[🍑😈]

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[💗] Jamilly


Requested by: rockerchan

Oneshot Warnings: None


Jakes POV

Milly and I have been dating for six months now.
It's been going good but Shes not very physically affectionate Wich is unfortunate because that's how I like to show my love.
But I do my best to respect her when it comes to that.

I had woken up about an hour ago but Milly was still laying asleep in bed.
I decided to scroll through tik toks as I waited for her to wake up.

Eventually I heard someone stirring next to me and I looked over to be met with her dark pink eyes.
"Good morning!" I smiled.
"Morning." She gave me a small smile back and yawned.
"I'm going to take a shower." She got up and walked to the bathroom.
"I'm going to make breakfast." I got up and walked downstairs.
"I want pancakes!" She yelled from upstairs.
I let out a soft laugh and grabbed the ingredients.

I could hear Milly walking downstairs as I make the pancakes.
I wish I could hug her and hold hands like most couples do but I don't want to pressure her.

Then I felt hands wrap around my stomach.
"What's got you all down?" She asked.
"O-oh! Um. It's nothing don't worry about it." I laughed softly.
"What do I not give you enough attention?" She looked up at me as she hugged me from behind.
"You could have told me." She buried her face into my back and I went back to cooking.
I could feel a smile form on my face.

"Okay breakfast is done."
She let go of me and backed up so I could set our plates up.
"You want syrup?"
"Duh!!!" She waved her hands in exaggerated movements.
I laughed and covered her pancakes in syrup.

After we finished eating I got up and walked to sit on the couch.
She joined me shortly after and rested her head on my shoulder.
I grabbed her chin to make her look up at me and gave her a soft kiss.
I let go of her head and she laid it back down to look at the TV.
I smiled and wrapped my arm around her and put my head on top of hers.
We decided to put on some dumb old movies and just stay in today.

After a while she fell asleep on me.
I smiled and grabbed a blanket and covered us with it.
I continued to watch the movie until I felt my eyes start to close slowly then I fell asleep.


Sorry if this isn't what you wanted but you just said Jake and Milly romance.
I wanted to make some cute fluff to make up for the last jamilly chapter.
Also let's just say they spent like hours watching movies so they didn't fall asleep in the morning lol.

Also let's just say they spent like hours watching movies so they didn't fall asleep in the morning lol

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