[💔🖤]Last Words[🍑😈]

868 5 2

[💔] Jamilly


Requested By: Me Myself and I

Oneshot Warnings: ⚠️Death, Car Crash, Blood IG⚠️


Millys POV

Ughhh.. I'm so bored.
Jake is on his way home from work but until then I'm stuck scrolling through shows to find something to watch.

I finally decide to put on some random show and scroll through my phone when I get a phone call.

It's a number I dont recognize but I decide to answer anyways. What if it's some random person that I can f*ck with.

I answer the phone and put it up to my ear.
"Hello?" I ask to whoever's on the other side of the phone.
"Is this Millicent Sterling?"
"Um yea?"
"Jake has been in a car accident at ***** street."

My heart dropped as the person on the other side of the phone spoke those words.
I immediately got up and ran to get my keys.

"Oh my God! I'm on my way!" I hung up and put my shoes on.
I ran out of the house and quickly got in my car.
I felt tears start to form but I quickly wiped my eyes to avoid getting into an accident myself.

As I drove I tried to call Jake to see if he was atleast conscious. "Damnit!" I shouted as yet another call went to voice mail. "Damnit Jake. You better be okay.."

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I made it to the scene of the accident.

I hopped out of my car and ran over.
"Excuse me ma'am no citizens allowed over here."
"Please that's my husband!" I shouted as tears poured out of my eyes.

The officer sighed and lifted up the yellow tape.
I ran over and saw Jake laying down unconscious on the road.
He was surrounded by a pool of blood.
"Oh my god!"
My knees gave out and I fell on the ground.

I crawled over to him and grabbed him.
I pulled him into my arms and sobbed.
He was still breathing but it was faint and his heartbeat was slow.

"M-milly?" He spoke.
I pulled him back and looked him in the eyes
"Oh my god! Your awake! D-dont waste your energy!"
He gave me a weak smile.
"I-i love you." His voice was weak.
"J-Jake it's going to be okay!"

The ambulance finally arrived but it was to late.
I pulled him into a hug and sobbed.
I sobbed as I hugged the lifeless body of my husband.
"I love you too." I whispered.

Sorry for the angst. I just thrive off writing it.
Next chapter will be happy Jilly due to a request.

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