[💗💞] Rainy Day [❤️💚]

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[💗] Henriam


Requested by: Henriam_simp

Oneshot Warnings: None

(This one may be kinda short because Idk how I could make it longer lol, btw the only reason I added in the Jake and the music club part was just for a reason for the day to be bad ig. Not bc i feel the need to add Jake in every oneshot /srs)


♡Third Person POV

A green haired boy exited the school building, pushing past the crowd of students rushing to get home. He wanted to get home as fast as possible since it has just started to rain, and he didnt feel like getting completely soaked since he forgot his umbrella. 

He groaned as he stepped out from under the canopy that covered the front of the school and into the rain. Today was already bad enough for him considering he and Liam had to deal with Drew ranting all day about the "freak" club and how stupid it was for Jake to leave them for the freaks. Henry and Liam could barely get a word in, even though it was quite obvious why Jake would leave them, they had tried to force him to get out of the club so he did what was best for him. 

Henry sighed and took off his jacket, putting it over his head to cover it since he didnt have a hood. By now he was already off campus and on his way home, the sidewalk alot less crowded than usual due to the rain. He sighed as the rain pattered against his jacket, soaking it. 

"Henry wait!"

A familiar voice called out from behind him, causing him to stop walking and turn around. He noticed his best friend- and long time crush- Liam running up to him with his umbrella in his hand. "Yeah Liam?" He asked, a hint of annoyance in his tone due to just wanting to get home instead of standing in the pouring rain. "um-" Liam paused for a second, his face heating up as he stared at the green haired boy. 

"Liam? You there?"

Henry called out, snapping the brunette out of his trance. "Right! Sorry, um I notice your still walking home in the rain, why is that?" Liam asked, tilting his head a bit. Henry just shrugged and looked off to the side. "Well-" Liam started but paused, not knowing what he was actually going to say. 

It was quite easy for the two boys to talk normally, but thats because Drew, Zoey, and Lia are usually around them. Meaning they always have something else to think about other than their confusing feelings for eachother. But now it was just the two of them, standing in the rain, both unaware on how the other feels about them. Henry dropped his hands, letting the rain pour ontop of him and his jacket fall onto the wet concrete.

He took a deep breath and began to speak, doing his best to ignore the rapid beating of his heart. "Do you need anything? Or can I get home? This silence kinda reminds me of Drew after Zoey yelled at him to shut up about Jake." They both let out a laugh at the memory, it had happened yesterday and despite the clear anger Drew was feeling it was still quite funny to the two. However one thing they aren't quite sure about it how Zoey and Lia still hang around with them despite Drew and Zoeys break up a few months ago, but the girls were cool friends so they shrugged it off.

"Right- Imagine having your ex girlfriend jokingly yell at you to shut up." Liam said, recalling the expression on Zoeys face afterwards which clearly showed it wasn't meant to be rude in any way shape or form. "Must be embarassing." Henry chuckled.

"Anyways, um-" Liam started, his face heating up again as the familiar pint tint covered his cheeks. "Here." He muttered, pushing his umbrella towards the green haired boy, smiling softly. "Um- Huh?" Henry was confused at his "friends" action. "You can have my umbrella, im going to Drews house to play video games with him and Zoey so I dont need it." He said, quickly regaining his confidence. "O-oh!" Henry grabbed the umbrella, face turning pink as he accidentally brushes his hand against Liams.

"W-well, ill see you tomorrow." Henry muttered, holding the umbrella over his head. "Y-yeah see ya." Liam said, smiling at him.

The green haired boy smiled and waved before turning around and beggining to walk home, the butterfies refusing to leave his stomach. The brunette behind him waved, smilling as he walked away before turning around and running up to his friends car.


Okay so this isnt the best because i didnt really know how to write this.

Also im not good with capturing their personalities-

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