[🤝🖤💞]Coming Out 1 [Music Club]

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[🤝] The Music Club

[🖤] to [💞]

!Warning! !This includes transphobia, toxic friend groups, and the T slur (Censored)!

{The title has 1 next to it because I'm going to write multiple oneshots of Jake coming out to people as Trans. This one is platonic but others will most likely include ships}


[Third Person POV]

Jake leaned against his locker, waiting for Drew, Henry, Liam, Lia and Zoey to meet him there. He finally had time to hang out with them instead of the music club, which they immediately took advantage of.

He sighed, looking around the halls for any signs of them, he moved his position to sit up straight once he saw the familiar magenta haired boy along with the others.

"Hey Jakey!" Henry teased as they walked up to him. "Hey guys." He chuckled a little as they walked up to him.

"Finally you didnt ditch us for the music freaks." Drew crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Yeah.. um can you not call them that?" The blonde muttered, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "But that's what they are. Freaks." Zoey replied, putting her hands on her hips and narrowing her eyes suspiciously at Jake. "Or are you becoming a musc freak as well?" She asked, a condescending smirk on her face. "W-what?! No! Of course not! I just dont want to get kicked out of the club either, you know?" He looked down at his feet to avoid them seeing his face.

"Whatever then. Anyways, do you guys want to go to my house to play video games?" Drew asked, changing the subject. "Sure!" Henry and Liam both began to talk about some game but Jake blocked out the rest of their conversation. He had his eyes focused on someone he remembered all to well, and unfortunately for him he noticed him aswell.

Jake's eyes widened as the familiar beach-blonde haired boy began to walk over to him, an evil smirk planted on his face. Jake began to panic, not because of the possibility of him being bullied again because that couldn't happen with Drew and them there, but because that boy was one of the only people who knew about Jake's secret and he could easily out him to his friends that just so happen to be transphobic. (IK THEY MOST LIKELY ARENT IN CANNON ITS FOR THE ANGST)

"Hey Jade~" the blue eyed boy taunted as he finally reached the group. Jake's heart dropped at the sudden mention of his dead name. "Um- excuse me who are you talking to?" Henry asked, quite confused considering theres no one near them named Jade.

"Just your friend here. Isnt that right Jade?" He spoke, motioning his hand to Jake and leaning in a bit closer to him as he spoke. "I-" Jake tried to speak but couldn't bring the words to exit his mouth. "What are you talking about?" Lia asked, looking up from her phone at the boy with a confused look.

"You guys seriously dont know?" Parker asked, looking taken aback for a moment. Then another evil grin spread across his lips as an idea formed in his mind. "Know what? Listen man your being really confusing right now. Theres no one here names Jade, that's Jake not Jade. I dont know what your going on about." Drew spoke, not in the mood to deal with any bullshit at the moment.

"Your buddy, "Jake" here is actually a girl, she was definitely born one."

Jake's eyes widened and his stomach dropped. His old bully had just outed him to his friends who so happen to be bullies themselves and transphobic. "Wait! Are you saying Jake is a tr*nny?" Zoey asked, a hint of disgust in her voice. "Bingo!" The blue eyed boy felt satisfied when he noticed the disgusted looks on Jake's friends faces, so he turned around and walked away, proud of what he had just done.

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