[🖤]Nothing Hurts More Then Betrayal

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This is an AU where Jake was also childhood friends with, Zander, Luke, and Hailey.

[💗] Jailey
[💗] Lander
[🤝] Juke, Jander, Jamander (I just made that up lol)

One shot warnings: !This is a yandere Luke fanfic and it includes, a knife and blood
Read if you wish!


Third Person POV

Jake, Luke, Zander, and Hailey have been best friends since they were children.
But who could have known that one small misunderstanding would tear it all apart.

Luke has liked- no loved Zander for a few years now and unbeknownst to him Zander loved him too.
They often spent time with Zanders step sister Hailey and their other childhood friend Jake.

One day Luke's walking down the halls and he sees Zander and Jake together.
Normally he would have brushed it off but this seemed different.
Zander and Jake were both blushing bright pink and flustered.
Luke felt a wave of jealousy wash over him.
'Are Zander and Jake in love?' Luke thought as he watched the two flustered boys talk to eachother.
Luke could feel tears form in his eyes wich made him whirl around and run away.
What the Auburn haired boy didnt see though was the short fiery haired girl standing with the two boys teasing them about their crushes.


"Hey Zanderrr." Milly smirked and Zander knew she was going to say something dumb.
"What Milly?" Zander asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone.
"You know, you and Luke are like literal peanut butter and jelly." She winked at him and smirked again.
"W-what! What the heck does that mean?" Zander could feel his cheeks heat up at the comment.
Jake laughed a little at the flustered grape standing infront of him.
"You know! Your purple, hes an orangey tanish color! Like peanut butter and jelly!" The boy felt his cheeks heat up even more and butterflies grew in his stomach.

Jake laughed even more wich caused Zander to glare at him.
"S-sorry but I cant stop! You look so funny when your flustered!" Jake coughed out between laughter.
"Jake you cant speak. What about you and Hailey?" Jake's face immediately began to heat up.
"W-what are you implying!?" He shouted looking away.
Milly smirked at the peach haired boy next to her.
"You know you like her~" Milly teased.
By this point both the boys were red.
One thing they hadn't noticed though was the sound of footsteps running away.


"I cant believe it. No. Jake cant have him." Luke gripped either side of the sink with both his arms propping himself up staring in the mirror.
"No. Zanders mine." Luke smiled eerily as the thought of Jake being gone filled his brain.
But then he realized what the exact thought was.
'Wait! Am I thinking about killing Jake?' Luke began to panic.
He couldn't kill Jake.
That's one of his best friends, since childhood.
Luke felt tears roll down his cheeks as his mind switched between two thoughts.
'Jake and Zander' 'Killing Jake'
He didnt know what to do.
Until he thought back to what he saw.
He made up his mind and walked to his locker to get some paper.
He has a note to write.


The next day

Luke walked to school earlier then everybody else and roamed the halls looking at the lockers.
Then his eyes locked on one of them.
It was Jakes.
He walked closer and stood infront of it for a moment.
He hesitated.
He doesn't want to kill Jake.
But he has to.
He sighed and put the note in Jake's locker.
'He cant have Zander. Zander is mine' Luke thought as rage filled him.
He double checked inside his back pack and smiled once he saw the knife.
It wasnt a normal smile though.
It was a crazed smile.

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