[🤝💔🖤]Pick A Side

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[🤝💔] Music club and Jomies
[💗] Slight Lander and Droey


Requested by: Me

Oneshot Warnings: being forced to choose between two friend groups (idk if I have to warn for that but yeah)


♡After School♡
♡Third Person POV♡

Jake stood in the middle of the music room with both of his friend groups on either side of him.

The music club at the back of the room and Drew and the others at the front.

"Geez can you music freaks calm down." Drew rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"You guys came in here and started talking sh*t about us!" Zander yelled at the magenta haired boy.

"Yea! I think you and your snake girlfriend need to leave!" Milly snarled glaring at Zoey (the said snake girlfriend)

"That's it! Jake I'm sick and tired of these music freaks! You need to chose." Drew shouted.

Earlier Drew and the others had entered the music room looking for Jake.
They found him but instead of being able to simply just leave with him they made some snarky comments about the music club wich got a rise out of them.
That led to a fight, with Jake in the middle trying to stop it without picking sides but failing.

That unfortunately led to Drew speaking the words that pained Jake the most.

His eyes widened when Drew said that.
A million thoughts began to race in his head.
He didnt want to chose.
But now it seemed he didnt have a choice.

"Well?" Zander sneered.
"I-i.." Jake stuttered still trying to process what's even going on.

Neither of the groups seemed to notice the weight this put on the peach haired boys shoulders.

Jake looked over at the music club to see if maybe just one of them would understand the pressure, but to his dismay they all looked at him expectantly. Awaiting his answer.

"Come on Jake! Just pick. Its us-" Lia waved her hand at herself and the others, "or the music freaks." She shot her hand over to them as if slapping something away, she paired this motion with a disgusted look on her face.

Jake's breathing hitched as the weight of the decision got worse.

He felt like screaming and crying.
He didnt want to pick.
'Why.. why do I have to pick? I dont understand.' Then he felt a tear fall down his cheek.
The tear was followed by more tears and eventually he started silent sobbing.
He looked at the ground to hide his face but no one seemed to notice the sobbing anyways.

It started to get hard for him to breathe as he sat in that deafening silence.
Eventually everyone got tired of waiting.
"That's it Jake! We are done waiting! Just pick dammit!" Hailey shouted.
Then she noticed something.
She saw water droplets fall on the carpet.

Her eyes widened as she realized what the water droplets were.
They were tears.
Jake was crying.
That's when she realized he was at his breaking point.
He had enough.

Hailey reached out to put a hand on his shoulder but he slapped it away.
He looked at her and she could see the pain, fear and stress in his eyes.
Then he ran out of the room.
He didnt know where he was running to.
He didnt care.

Everyone else was annoyed, confused, and pissed, while Hailey felt guilty.
She was the only one who had noticed Jake's tears.
She finally realized the weight they were putting on his shoulders.

"What the actual f*ck!" Milly shouted.
"Language." Sean shot back at her.
"Now is not the time to worry about language!" Zander yelled at the club's DJ.
"So he kept us sitting here for like 10 f*cking minutes just to run away!" Zoey threw her hands in the air angrily.

Guys stop." Hailey stared at her feet clenching her fists.
"Why should we? Hes probably just a selfish a$$hole!" Zander screamed at her.
"We are the selfish a$$holes." Hailey muttered before running after Jake.

Jake had finally stopped running once he made it to the roof.
The tears never stopped.
He was tired of both his friend groups arguing.
Them making him chose between them was to much.
He collapsed on his knees and let it all out.

He screamed and cried for what felt like hours until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Jake.." he recognized her voice.
She was one of the last people he wanted to see.
He swatted her hand away and turned to glare at her.
"What do you want?"
"I'm sorry." She held her arm and looked down at her feet.
"I dont forgive you." He growled.
"What! Why?" She looked up at him eyes wide with shock.
Jake stood up and looked her straight in the eyes.
"Because I dont have to." He walked off the roof and began to head home.

He made his choice though.

He decided that if they were going to make him chose he didnt need them.

So the next day he left the club and ditched Drew and them.

This isnt nearly as good as I wanted it to be but I tried lol.

I hope you guys like this.

I might make an alternate version that ends with him actually choosing one of the sides.

I also might rewrite this.

Anyways it's my birthday!!!!

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