-chapter six-

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I informed headmaster Dumbledore that I'll be leaving for a day or two and got ready, I wished harry good luck on his games and left. 

Our kingdom guards took me to Slytherin castle which was prettier than I expected. 

I got down and was greeted by the queen herself, queen lea looked stunning "princess Y/n welcome" she spoke softly "thanks for having me, your majesty". 

We got In and she asked me about my day, my brother and school, we entered a huge room and I saw my parents sitting at the table talking to king tom. 

"mom, dad" I smiled hugging them "tom I'd like you to meet my daughter Y/n" my dad spoke "oh my you've grown since the last time I saw you" king tom said "please sit, lunch is being prepared". 

king tom and queen lea seem like very lovely people, I wonder why Matteo isn't like them. 

I sat down next to my mother and listing to king tom talking about his idea of how we could less the percentage of the poor in all 4 Kingdom's when someone suddenly came in. 

"Sorry I was late, I had a personal prob- Y/n?" "Matteo?" 

"w-what are you doing here" Matteo asked "the potters are here because James and I have some working to do" king tom said "still doesn't explain why princess Y/n is here" he said. 

"Matteo stop, it's rude to ask many questions" his mother said and he apologized. 

I think this is the first time I've ever heard Matteo riddle apologize. 

He greeted my parents and before we could sit his mother spoke up "Matteo didn't you forget someone" his father said and he shook his head and his father looked in my direction and I could see the anger in Matteo's face. 

As he made it my way my move elbowed me to get up "I don't want to" I mumbled and she gave me a stern glare "alright, alright" I stood up just in time as Matteo came. 

"princess Y/n" "prince Matteo" he brought out his hand and I shook it and we both sat down. 

Lunch was really awkward for Matteo and I since we don't really talk or do anything but annoy and prank each other and Since his parents and my parents are here we cant do that. 

"Matteo, King James and I have some important things to discuss, would you please show princess Y/n to her room or show her around the castle if she'd like" his father said "Y/n dear if you need anything just ask Matteo I'm sure he'd love to help you right" his mother said and he nodded. 

We left the room and I asked Matteo where were going "I'm taking you to your room" he said "then can you show me around" i asked and he mumbled a no

"but I want-" "I don't care what you want" he spat.

"first of all rude. Second of all your father said that you could show me around the castle if I'd like and I would like that" I said and he scoffed. 

"This is your room, if you need anything just pull the this rope here and a maid or a house elf would come help you..oh and you are not allowed to leave your room" he said and I frowned "why not" "because I said so" he said walking away. 

I closed the door and sighed sitting on the bed, I looked around and the room wasn't that bad, it was nice and big. I noticed the window seat and decided to sit there. 

The view that it showed was beautiful, the garden looked so exquisite

should I go the flowers look lovely but Matteo said no...wait a second since when do I listen to the asshole. 

I left the room and walked downstairs exciting the castle and walking to the garden admiring its beauty. 

There was a huge water fountain located in the middle of the place, the sound of water and birds chipping really gave it a nice atmosphere. 

As I was walking around the beautiful flower bushes I saw someone sneaking into the forest so I decided to follow them. 

I followed the sound of footsteps and then soon found out it was Matteo. 

What is he doing here?  

I kept a small distance from him so he won't notice me but that was a shitty move because now I lost him. 

Small droplets of water fell and I looked at the sky which looked like it was going to rain. 


Good job Y/n your lost and it's going to rain anytime soon. 

I walked around a bit but stopped when I saw myself coming back to the same place. 

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and without thinking I turned around and I punched the person behind me. 

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