-chapter thirty-eight-

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WC: 490 

Warning: none


"I'm afraid of heights"

A small smile made it on his face "it's okay I'll help you" he whispered and I blush "you don't have to" I said and he shook his head "I want to"

"But I don't like people staring at me" I told him "it's fine, just means we'll have to do it in secret" he says and I frown "secret?".

"midnight we'll sneak out to the quidditch court" he said and my eyes were wide "no" "yes" he smiled and I shook my head "we'll get caught" I said worried "no we won't, I promise" he said.

I didn't think I would do this but here I am at the quidditch court at midnight with riddle.

"alright first how about you ride with me" he said and I totally agreed since I knew I was horrible at riding a broom. Matteo got on his broom and I sat right behind him placing my arms around him.

"you ready" he chuckled and I tightened my grip around him "no" I mumbled and he kicked his feet sending us up into the sky

I closed my eyes and felt my heart beat faster each second, I hate it.

We suddenly stopped and Matteo told me to take a look so I did I looked downwards to see our feet above the ground which made my heart drop in fear.

"fuck! Get me down" I said burying my face onto his back "Matteo get me down I hate it! I hate this".

-Matteo's pov-

"Why did you look down!?" I chuckled "people look forward not down" I chuckled "Matteo please get me off this" her voice was full of worry.

I turned a little and saw that she was actually scared and decided to go down. As soon as we reached the ground Y/n got off but before she could run away and disappear I pulled her in.

I knew a hug was going to make her feel much better. That's her thing.

"I don't want to do this" she mumbled into me "wanna know why I like flying" I spoke and she looked at me wanting to know the answer.

We sat down on the grass and I placed my arm around her "I love it because of the view" I said and started telling her all the good things about flying and quidditch until she finally agreed to fly again.

This time on HER broom.

When she first started she was terrified but as time went on she started to SLOWLY get used to it. the moon, stars, and clouds were drawn so perfectly in the sky.

"This view is breathtaking" Y/n said I stared at her taking in all her beautiful features.

She is gorgeous, even without no makeup on.

I don't know how a person could be so beautiful without trying.

"yup breathtaking" I smiled feeling my stomach tingle...not in a bad way 




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𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓭𝓸𝓶 ║ Mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now