-chapter fourteen-

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We pulled breathing heavily.

What the fuck just happened!??

Shock was writing on both Of our faces "Y/n where are you" I heard my brother harry call my name "I-i have to go" I quickly said leaving.

I walked back to the ball where my parents were "Y/n where were you" my mother hugged me.

"Sweetheart are you alright," my father asked and I nodded "you sure" Harry asked

No harry I just kissed Matteo freaking riddle, my fucking enemy and bully!!

"I'm fine I just have a small headache that's all" I told them.

I sat down on my chair and just watched as people danced, laughed and enjoyed their evening.

As I was scanning the room when my eyes fell on Matteo, he was talking to a beautiful girl with pretty blond hair and sky blue eyes.

My eyes burned on them, Matteo looked behind her and made eye contact with me causing my stomach to tingle. Not in a good way.

I didn't break contact nor did he, I rested my head on my hand showing him that I won't lose this stupid thing.

He smirked and took a sip of his drink eyes not leaving mine.

"Y/n" my mother snapped her fingers in front of me "yes?" I asked "what were you looking at," she asked "nothing" I told her and she smiled "are you sure it's not Matteo" she said and I felt my face heat up.

What is wrong with my body!?

"no I was not" I told her and, She chuckled taking my hand walking me to my father and the other kings "feeling better" my father asked and I nodded.

-time skip-

After dinner people started leaving and soon everyone was gone except for us the royal families.

Apparently we're going to spend the night here, ALL OF US.

The maids took us to our room and surprise, surprise Matteo's room is at the end of the corridor I'm in.

I got in, took my make-up off, tied my hair and went to find the others, who I found in the kitchen eating dessert.

I jumped on the kitchen countertop eating some ice cream cake "mhmm this is so good" I said "you should try these truffles" Cho said handing me one "fuck that's so good" I closed my eyes.

"This food is delicious" harry commented and we all agreed.

I lied back and felt my shirt rising up "your belly's showing" Cedric lightly tickled my exposed skin making me laugh.

I got up and pushed him away "don't you dare" I said and he raised a brow "Cedric no" I said moving up the counter.

Before I could escape he pulled my feet and started taking my sides making me laugh so hard.

"s-stop please p-please!!" I laughed "tell me how handsome am I" he said "v-very handsome" I said as tears ran down my cheek.

Cedric finally stop and I got up noticing him between my legs.

"you're an ass for doing that" I said and he laughed, Cedric is handsome I won't lie.

I stared at him and he slowly started to lean in. right before our lips could touch Matteo got up "it's really late, I think we should all go to bed" he said.

Thanks for ruining the moment.

We went back to our rooms and I couldn't help but get mad at Matteo.

I was about to kiss Cedric Diggory for god sake.

He is so anyone.

And stupid.

And careless.

Like that one time when he was so drunk he thought he could fly.

Or that time when he pranked Filch and gave him a sparkle bomb that exploded on his face. He had sparkily hair for 2 long weeks, he, Enzo and Draco would laugh at him every time they walked past him.

Matteo has a nice laugh, he looks adorable when he laughs uncontrollably.

But when he's mad or pissed and clenches his jaw he looks so fucking hot like oh my- wait what am I saying!!

No, no I hate him

He's a jerk.

But he's a good kisser.

Y/n no!!

Stop it.

Let's go back to hating him.

As I listed all the things I hated about Matteo I heard a knock on my door.

I looked at the time and its midnight, who the hell is knocking on my door.

I got up unlocking it only to be met by familiar brown eyes

"Matteo what are you doing here" I asked surprised to see him, Matteo stood there staring at me "hello, are you okay" I waved my hand Infront of him but he didn't say anything so I just sighed and closed my door

Before I could lock it again Matteo knocked on my door again, I huffed and opened the door again "Matteo I-" I was cut off when a pair of lips suddenly smashed onto mine.




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