-chapter twenty-one-

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News quickly spread that me and Matteo are dating and it was a shocker to everyone since we are know as enemies since the first year.

No questions were asked but people would stare at us for the first couple of days but soon stopped. I was right, people stopped asking me out knowing that I'm now dating Matteo riddle the school's troublemaker.

Girls started to throw themselves on Matteo and let's just say I was surprised to know that he didn't fuck one of them. Because of that girls were so jealous of me, I could see the hate in their eyes but what can I do.

Sex has also been much easier for us since people stopped following us around and we loved it.

I'm so glad we told the school were dating.

I was in the bathroom when I heard a group of girls entering and my name was said by one of them so I decided to stay and listen to what they're talking about.

"I can't believe prince Matteo is dating princess Y/n" one girl spoke "they are so cute together" another said "uhh no there not" a girl suddenly spat. "you know for some reason I kinda think they're faking it" the same girl said.

"why would you say that" they asked "have you seen princess Y/n sit with prince Matteo at lunch" "no"

"did you see them go on a date?" "no"

"have you seen him gift her flowers, chocolate anything" "no"

"I think I made my point, now come on let's get going before we get detention for being late" she said and I heard their footsteps fade away.

I got out of the bathroom and thought of it, we never really did anything to show that we are actually dating.

I don't want to do anything with Matteo he's just going to make me regrate it.

Ughhh I'll have to talk to him later.

-time skip-

Matteo came to my room and I told him what I heard "you'll have to take me on a date" I said and he groaned "whyyy" "I told you why" "fine where do you want to go" he asked annoyed "I don't care you chose, and when you do send me a letter If I should wear something fancy or casual".

"I can't believe I'm wasting my weekend on you" he huffed "trust me I feel the same about you" I said and he rolled his eyes and left.

In the morning I got a letter and a box from Matteo


I'll take you to the new restaurant that opened at the muggle world I'm not sure what's it called exactly but it's very fancy and I love fancy.

Wear what's in the box then chose anything to wear on top I don't care.

We'll meet and the great hall stairs at 7 pm don't be late.



I wonder what's in the box.

I placed the black box on the bed and removed the ribbon opening it. what was in the box made my face go red.

I can't believe my eyes, how could he.

Matteo riddle just bought me lingerie.

And in his favorite color.

what the-




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𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓭𝓸𝓶 ║ Mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now