-chapter sixty-two-

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WC: 390 

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Time flies really fast, I mean can you believe that I'm halfway done with our wedding preparation because I sure cant.

Right now I'm trying the different types of cakes, there were so many kinds and I was looking for the perfect flavors and textures.

As I was trying the coffee flavor I felt like I was going to barf so I ran to the bathroom and puked my guts out in the toilet.

Hermione, ginny, and Cho were with me and helped me, they held my hair up and rubbed my back and when I was down they asked me what's wrong.

"I don't know but I've been getting a lot of morning sickness lately and it sucks" I told them "I feel like shit and sometimes even let it out on poor Matteo" I cried.

"well does Matteo get mad when you lash out at him" Hermione asked and I shook my head "he just sits there taking in all the bullshit I give him, ughh he's so perfect I love him" I sobbed "I don't deserve him".

After the girls got me to calm down they asked if I could be pregnant and I shook my head "are you sure, when was your last period" Ginny asked and I tried to remember but couldn't. all I knew is that it was late.

"fuck I might be pregnant!!" I cried again and they comforted me "no we're still not sure" Cho said "yea how about we get you a pregnancy test first" ginny said and I nodded.

"Okay I'll go buy some and be back" ginny said leaving.

20 minutes later she came back with three different types of pregnancy tests "just be sure" she said handing me them.

When I was done, I called the girls back in and we all sat in my bathroom waiting for three minutes on the timer to be done.

God why does this feel like an eternity

It's just three fucking minutes!!

After a while the timer stops and we all sit up straight "you ready?" they asked me and I shook my head.

"It's okay we're here with you" Hermione said holding my hand.

"okay" I took a deep breath and picked up the test...




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