-chapter fifty-

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Warning: yelling, fighting


Matteo's birthday was only a week away and everyone was mad at me for not wanting to marry Matteo.

Word had spread about our arranged marriage and now the whole wizardly word know about it, except for the fact that we could lose two out of the 4 biggest kingdoms.

I used to love going to school and spend time with my friends but now I don't have any since they all think of me as a selfish whore.

Oh yes harry told everyone of Matteo's and I 'secret'

I walk through to corridors and feel eyes on me, I hear gossip from people next to me and try my best to ignore it.

Things had been getting worse as I got notes and death threats which terrified me.

I had to talk to Matteo.

I went to his dorm and thankfully he was alone "what do you want" he says "we need to talk" I say "I don't wan-" "well I don't care what you want, I said we'll talk so we'll talk" I snapped.

Matteo didn't talk back which was agreat move, I sat down on the couch right across from him and said "I know we hate each other but I-I don't think marrying each other would be THAT bad" I said but apparently he thought otherwise.

"marrying you would be hell" he said "I hate you..I wished I never met you, having sex with you was a mistake" he said most disgustingly and I felt my heart ache.

"Matteo don't say that last year when we were 'dating' you didn't feel anything because I know you did because I did and I still do, I love you Matteo!" I confess and he comes closer to me and says "everything was fake, I never loved you potter! I hate you!".

"d-don't" I said feeling my eyes tear up "Y/n I could never love you, you were just another slut I fucked" he said.

"fine then then who do you want to marry if its not me" I say hoping he would not answer or just say he wouldn't marry anyone but no he had to speak and tear my heart.

"I would rather marry anyone but you he said coldly "I'll marry Astoria the girl I TRULY LOVE" he said surprising me "y-you don't actually love her" I said "I love her Y/n not you" "fuck you" yelled pushing him away from me.

I ran out of his dorm and use an Apparition to get back to my castle where I broke down and told my parents what has been happening at school these past months.

My mother comforted me and when I told them about the 'talk' I had with Matteo my father says "he's going to marry you anyway and I'll make sure he doesn't marry any other women".

"no but I don't want to marry a guy who doesn't wish to be with me..HE HATES ME!!" "enough Y/n you are to marry him and that's it!" my father yelled surprising me.

But still, that did not change the fact that I won't marry Matteo.

"I'm not going to marry him" I said and my father looked at me with a poker face and said "Y/n Lilly potter you ARE going to marry Matteo riddle whether you like it or not" "no dad I'm not" I said "I won't say yes".

"you wouldn't don't" my father said stunned by my sudden words "I would" I told him "you would sacrifice this WHOLE Kingdome, how selfish of you, my own daught- no I'm embarrassed to even call you my daughter"

"Y/n he doesn't mean that" uncle Sirius said "oh no I'm serious get out I don't wanna see your face" he said and I looked at him with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"LEAVE!!" he yelled and ran out, I heard my mother call my name but I didn't dare walk back to that room.




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AN: omg this is chapter FIFTY!! I cant believe my eyes ahhh!!

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