-chapter ten-

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WC: 538 

Waring: tension!! fluff! little smut idk what to call it


It was already midnight, I had nowhere to go but my dorm so I went there.  

I wasn't tired so I did some of my homework then decided to shower. I took a long hot shower which I completely deserved. 

I got out did my face and body routine and changed into some pj's. I was in the bathroom when I heard a sound coming from my room. 

"who is it?" I ask and there was no reply. I went outside and saw that no one was there. 

guess it's just in my head. 

I walked to my bed and saw the window open. Weird I remember closing it 

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder "ahh" I yelled and saw Matteo standing there "fuck you scared me!". 

"wait what are you doing here" I asked "Matteo what do you want?" I crossed my arms starting to get annoyed "you owe me something love" he said and I rolled my eyes "I told you not to call me that, and what do I owe?"  

"a kiss" 


"remember the kiss you promised me for helping you back at my castle" he said and I sighed closing the window and my bedroom door and walking back to him. 

"fine let's get it over with" I said and he came closer to me, he was so close I could smell his clone, he lightly pushed me causing me to fall on the bed. 

I looked at him and frowned in confusion, then he crouched down and placed his hands next to me and looked deep into my eyes "wha-" he cut me off "do you trust me" he spoke. 

"what?" "I think you heard me, do you trust me" he said again and I wanted to say no but looking deep into his eyes something in me stir, his eyes were full of something and it was not hate...lust?  

For some reason I nodded "use your words princess" he spoke and I felt my heart race 

What the-  

"y-yes" I answered and a small smile formed, he placed his hands on my thighs and gently pushed them apart. 

What is he doing?  

He looked at me one last time and my breath hitched, he lightly placed his lips on my thigh making me softly gasp in surprise. 

Matteo looked at me and did it again but this time he held my thigh tighter the coldness of his ring made me gasp again. 

With every kiss he came closer to my inner thigh and his hands went up slowly entering my shorts. 

I couldn't explain the feeling I felt but it wasn't bad nor was it uncomfortable I-I think I- 

He pushed me down on the bed and I closed my eyes and bit my lip so no more gasps or moans escape. 

The kisses suddenly stopped and I opened my eyes to see that no one was there. I looked around he was gone. 

I blinked a few times to make sure what just happened was real. 

After 10 minutes I moved in the bed and tried to fall asleep again but I couldn't stop thinking 

What fuck just happened!? 

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AN: if you know what word describes what happened between Matteo and Y/n please comment it. 

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