-chapter twenty-six-

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Warning: Smut, dom!Matteo, daddy!kink (but I'll tell you when it's going to start), cute aftercare don't miss!!


"you're driving me crazy" he whispered into my ear, I smirked and turned around to face him.

I positioned my arms around his neck as he rested his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him. 

"you know I've got one more surprise for you" I say "what is it" he asks and I bit my lip "it's under this dress". Matteo smirked and took my hand exiting the party "theo slow down!" I giggled as he started running, he picked me up taking me to his room. 

we got in and he pushed me against the wall attacking my neck.

God, he is so good at this

He almost rips my dress off my body, throwing it on the floor, he looks at the new set of lingerie I bought and his jaw fell "I'm guessing you like it" I giggled and he looked at me with lust in his eyes "like it? I LOVE IT!" he leaves a lot of wet kisses on my neck. 

As my breathing changes, He pulls his shirt over his head and throws it on the floor.

I look at his body, and blush even though I have seen it many times before he still surprises me with how fit he is, I mean his abs ahhh

Smut starting here

I go to touch his bicep but he grabs my hand "Did I say you could touch me..no I don't think I did" he said 

god I love it when he talks like that. 

he can be so sweet one second, and be rough the next.

He unclips my bra and throws it somewhere, He sucks on my nipple, then goes to the next one doing the same. My moans could only be heard by him since he placed a silent spill on the door.

I tried to take off my panties when he stops me.

"What did I say slut, Your listening to me and you're going to be patient" He undoes his belt tying my wrists together. "Since you can't stop being a bad girl your going to get tied up? You like that?!"

god that's so hot.

He takes off his pants so he's only in his boxers "so wet for me?" he says looking at how wet I am. He spreads my legs, teasing me knowing damn well that I'm at a venerable state.

He kisses my inner thigh and I squirm...I can't wait to feel him inside of me. 

His finger gently touched my lips. He looks at me smiling and moves my underwear to the side.

still looking at me, he rubs my clit with his thumb. 

My whines fill the room as he moves his thumb and goes to place his tongue on my soaking clit.

"you taste amazing...your all mine..only mine...got it" his voice vibrates into me, making me moan when I feel his tongue messing with my entrance.

He sticks his tongue inside making my back arch and I let out a loud moan, his thumb goes back to my clit squirming inside of me. I feel so much pleasure causing my legs to squeeze around him.

Theo grabs my legs spreading them apart again

"M-Matteo I'm c-close!" I whine "don't stop please!" I say and he pulls away "Oh darling your not gonna tell me what to do no, I'm in control, I give the demands! and Your not to finish unless I let you"

I can see his dick and it's really hard and He sees me looking at his length.

"You want me?" he asked in a mocking voice "mmhmm please theo" He could listen to me plead all day. He pulls off his boxers and tosses them on the floor.

I keep looking at his cock while breathing heavily. he leans towards me, his teeth grab the strap on my thong pulling it down with his teeth.

He starts moving his head closer to mine and kisses me letting me finally taste myself.

His bare length rubbed on my pussy making him moan. He sits up in front of me with his dick lined up with your entrance. "You want this?" he says "yes fuck daddy" I whine but stop immediately as I notice what I said.

"What did you call me" Matteo asked shocked, I didn't dare speak and he didn't like it "answer me slut" he demands "d-daddy" I whisper and looks at me "say it again".

"Daddy?" Matteo smirks and pecks my lip "mhmm that's right" He pushed into me causing both of us to moan.

He starts moving slowly, letting me adjust to him.

Even though we fucked 100 times, I sometimes need to get used to his size, I mean come on he's like 12 inches for god's sake maybe even more. That boy is huge.

His thrusts become more harder and faster. "oh god yes!! don't stop! Please don't!!" I moaned my arms are still tied together while my breast bounced with each thrust.

He leans down to kiss you but kissing back is a struggle when he hits my g-spot making me moan.

"fuck shit yes! right there! yes" "a-agh! fuck y/n!" he moaned.

"let's cum together when I say" he grumbled in my ear "o-ok" I say breathlessly.

"now!" he groaned, The room filling with breathless moans

Smut ending

He unties me and throws his belt on the floor. "was I too rough?" he asks softly "No you were perfect" I say and he smiles.

After he got us both cleaned up we lay in his bed cuddling. I looked over and saw a book on his nightstand "is that the book your reading" I ask and he looks over and nods. "can you read me it" I ask and he happily does.

Matteo had one hand holding the book and the other around me, my hands were on top of his hand lightly creasing it.

He was done with the page and wanted to move to the next one, but I held his hand back, he looked at me confused and so I moved my free one to change it. 

I didn't want to change our position, I loved it so much. Matteo smiled and kissed my head.

I rested my head on his bare chest, hearing the faint sound of his heartbeat made my eyes get heavier. 

"goodnight princess" was the last thing I heard before falling asleep. 




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