-chapter fifty-seven-

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WC: 515

Warning: none


Matteo and I started dating, actually dating and we told everyone, they were so glad we got back together and finally confessed our love to each other.

Right now I was in Matteo's bed, I felt kisses being placed on my cheek and neck and I smile pushing my boyfriend's face away "baby stop".

Matteo chuckles and continues to give me kisses lightly sucking on my neck "Matteo" I breathed and I felt him smirk against my skin "yes my love?"

Matteo started sucking harder casing small moans to escape my mouth, I turned over to him and pushed a little so I could get on his lap.

I garbed the small mirror from his nightstand and checked out my neck, my eyes widened when I saw the colorful Hickes on my neck.

"Matteo!" I gasp slapping his neck "do you know how hard it is to cover these up" I said and he chuckled "why do you need to cover them, you look sexy with my marks all over you" he said and I playfully rolled my eyes.

Matteo rubbed my exposed thighs and leaned in for a kiss, I smiled and backed away.

"don't do that" he says leaning in, I giggle and leaned backward "Y/n!!" he whined "what" I laughed "let me give you a kiss" he said and I shook my head.

He frowned and asked "who not?" "tell me you love me first" I said and he playfully rolled his eyes "I love you" he says and I smile "now say it in French"

"Je t'aime"

"now in Spanish" I say and he chuckles

"Te Amo"

"now in Italian"

"Ti Amo"


"te iubesc" he says and I smile "I love you too" I say cupping his cheek, he garbed my waist and kissed my lips.

"I" *peck* "love" *peck* "you" *peck* *peck* *peck*

I giggle and pulled away from my boyfriend.

"I'm hungry" I say getting up "wanna see what's in the fridge?" I say and he nods getting up.

I wore one of Matteo's hoodies that were huge on me and got, as we were walking to the kitchen we notice Cedric and Cho were already in there. Cho looked at me and down at what she was wearing and giggled.

Cho was also wearing Cedric's clothes, his jersey to be more precise.

Before we could open our mouths to speak harry and ginny entered to kitchen, and they two were surprised to see us.

Ginny looked at us and giggled, she was wearing my brother's shirt.

"This is cute" I say and they all agree "I'm guessing we're all here for the same thing...Breakfast" Cedric said and we all nodded.

"cool but here's the thing there is no food" he said "uhh man, I really wanted pancakes" Ginny said.

"I mean it's still early I think breakfast is still served in the hall" I said "great we'll go together" Cho said and we all went back to our boyfriend's rooms and got ready.




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AN: I know that's just random but this kept playing in my head so yea, hope you like it :)

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