-chapter fifty-four-

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WC: 639

Warning: yelling, shouting, cussing


My parents come running asking what's the problem and that's when they see Y/n bleeding in my arms "GUARDS, MAIDS ANYONE!!" my father yelled loudly getting many people's attention.

"Tom what's th-YN!!" king James came running taking Y/n out of my hand "s-she's bleeding HEALER! WHERE IS THE HEALER!!" he yelled and my father told him to follow him.

By this time everyone had seen Y/n's body and gasped in shock.

I ran after king James with everyone else following us but thankfully the guards stopped the people except for the royals and me.

We barge into the medical wing and our Kingdome healer Edward took Y/n from her father and asks everyone to leave while shouting orders to the nurses.

No one wanted to leave but we were forced to after the healer said "I can't work with everyone here!!".

Everyone started to walk away but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Y/n's bloody body "son" my father spoke "I'm not leaving" I mumbled "come on we hav-" "NO" I yelled pushing Cedric's arm off of me.

"Matteo come" they tried to pull me out of the room but I pushed them away "get your hands off of me!" I yelled but no one listened.

My father called the guards to help get me out of the room.

"no, No, NO!! LET ME GO YOU BASTARDS!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!..NO LET GO!!" I tried fighting my way out but couldn't.

They got me out and locked the doors of the room Y/n was in, when they let go of me I went and banged on the doors "LET ME IN!!" I yelled.

"Matteo calm down" my father said but I shook my head "LET ME in" I cried falling on my knees "let me in!".

I felt my mother's arms around me, she hugged me tightly and whispered into my ear "calm down Matteo there taking care of her".

"I can't- I can't lose her" I cried "I love her" I said and she looked at me heartbroken "I know you do and that's why you have to wait and hope for the better" she said.

I got up and looked at all the people who were in the room "it's all your fault!!" I yelled "you made her do this" I said looking at Harry, Cho and Cedric "you made her feel like shit! Especially you HER FAMILY!!"

"Matteo stop it" my father ordered "NO because it's true!" I said "what kind of sick family are you! leaving your daughter all alone"

"oh shut up don't play the victim here" harry said "you pushed her to do this more than any of us! If you'd just expressed your feelings for her, in the beginning, this wouldn't have happened!!" he yelled.

"You cheated on her with that SLUT Astoria" Cho yelled "THAT SLUT BEWITCHED ME!" I yelled and their faces dropped "what?" "yea Astoria fucking spilled an Amortentia in my drink" I said "I never knew she did until a week ago when it fully weared off".

"Why didn't you tell us or tell Y/n that!" Cedric said "I-I don't know" I said feeling stupid "god I should've told her" I said my eyes tearing up again.

My mother pulled me into a hug and comforted me, I literally didn't give a fuck about people watching me cry.

All I cared about was Y/n.

3 hours later the door finally opened and the healer got out. We all ran to him asking him hundreds of questions "ENOUGH!!" he yelled and we all went silent.

"Edward please tell me my daughter's fine" King James begged and we all waited for his answer.

Edward looked at us and took a deep breath before saying "I......




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