-chapter forty-five-

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WC: 440 

Warning: violence, mention of sex


-Matteo's pov-

Y/n and Noah had been hanging out a lot recently and I don't like it, I decided that when I see lane I'm going to ask him about it.

I was sitting in the common room when I saw Noah and his friends walk down the stairs, I called for him and asked to talk to him alone. "so uhm I-" I cut him off "what's your and Y/n's relationship?"

As soon as I said that his eyes widened "princess Y/n" he said and I nodded "I mean there isn't any other Y/n but the princess of Gryffindor" I said and he shook his head "alright then tell me".

"w-we're just umm m-messing around" he says and my blood started to boil

Stay calm Stay calm Stay calm

"messing around?" "y-yea" "what do you mean mess around" I said biting my tongue "look man don't get me wrong, I know you two used to date but things clearly didn't work out a-an-" "what are you trying to say" I asked getting impatient.

"look many were just friends with benefits" he finally said and I couldn't control my anger anymore, I got up and punched his face.

People started gathering around us and when my friends pulled us apart "what's going on here!?" professor snape yelled making everyone go silent "who started this" he said and it was clear that I did.

"detention tonight" he said and I stormed out of the common room.

-time skip-

As I walked back from my detention I heard Y/n's voice on my way, I followed her voice and saw that she was in Noah's room. the door wasn't fully shut so I looked through the door creek and saw her on Noah's lap.

She placed an ice pack on the black eye I gave and he winced in pain "sorry babe" she said and I felt my heart ache.

I saw her fixing the damage I caused and he thanked her, she kissed his lips and I couldn't keep watching so I walked back to my room.

Soon I started to hear moans.

Her moans.

I quickly left my room and looked for any girl I can fuck and brought her into my room.

While I was fucking Astoria I kept listening to Y/n's moans and imaging her telling me these things.

"ughhh Noah" "yes! Yes! Right there!!"

Imagining having sex with Y/n felt 100% better.




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AN: sorry I know this part is bad but I'm kinda having trouble with writing the story so...yea :)

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