-chapter sixty-six-

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WC: 600

Warning: Worried husband/father!!


I was in the bath enjoying the bath bomb Matteo bought me when he went baby shopping again a couple of days ago.

Even though this baby was something we weren't expecting it's still one of the best things that have happened to us, not including our marriage of course.

We don't know the gender as we both wanted it to be a surprise and because of that we had made a bet. I think it's a boy but Matteo thinks it's a girl either would be perfect and I couldn't imagine having a baby with anyone else.

As I was enjoying my purple bubble bath a shooting pain was almost like a cramp but worst struck in my lower stomach.

I cried in pain causing my husband to run into the bathroom.

"Love what's wrong?" Matteo asked worried "darling I think the baby's coming" I said and his eyes widened "SHIT! OKAY LET ME HELP YOU OUT!" He got me out the bath and sat me on the bed.

I started getting dressed as he went out to call for some help

I grabbed onto the bed as another contraction hit.

Queen lea came and told me to breathe in and out while Matteo and king tom looked for the medic.

They came back with Edward and he said that I have to be taken to the hospital wing so Matteo picked me up bridal style and ran us there "Matteo be careful" his mother yelled running after us.

When we got in he gently placed me on the bed and held my hand saying "darling don't worry everything's going to be okay, our child is finally on its way."

-20 minutes later-

At this point, I've been having contractions every 30 seconds which means the baby is coming soon. I squeezed Matteo's hand every time the contractions hit.

The midwife took us straight to a labor room to see how long the baby is going to be.

I was going to have to push soon and I was so scared.

I got into position with my husband next to me stroking my hair and letting me squeeze his hand. I knew Matteo hated seeing me in this much pain but he also had to deal with it, I mean I'm giving birth to our baby.

I was soon told that I was ready and that I need to start pushing so I did, I started pushing and pushing, screaming and cursing out.

After 15 minutes of pain, I pushed and screamed one the last time, as soon as I as heard the cry I smiled.

"It's a boy! congratulations"

My head hit the pillow as I smiled at Matteo.

I have a baby

We have a baby, Matteo and I

A son

Our son

I'm a mother now

The nurse handed me our son and I smiled at the cutest thing I've ever laid my eyes on. I feel someone kiss my forehead and immediately know it's Matteo "You did good love, he's perfect".

I smiled up at Matteo then looked back at your baby.

-time skip-

After I gave birth to my son I needed to take a shower and change into other clothes.

I was in bed when my husband came in with our son Zade, Matteo really loves the name Zade and so do I, plus we think it fits him perfectly.

Zade ace riddle




{Vote, comment, follow}

Q: Do you like the name??

An: Hii it's me so from the comments you guys left I noticed what have I did and I'm so sorry 😭😭 I noticed before and I thought I fixed it but I didn't GOD we all know Matteo would have never let this happen so in changing the name from Noah to Zade. Idk this name was the first to come on my mind anyways. I hope everybody is happy now 😅

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