-chapter twenty-four-

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Today there is a quidditch game between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, I'm not that interested in quidditch but Matteo is playing, he's the Slytherin seeker so I decided to go and surprise him.

I asked Lorenzo to get me Matteo's jersey so I could wear it while I cheer for him.

I did my hair and makeup then wore Matteo's hug jersey that had the number 1 on it, his favorite number.

They called out the Slytherin team and I cheered loudly, Matteo scans the crowd and locked eyes with me, he was shocked to see me there. I signed him to come to me and he did.

I pulled him by his shirt and kissed his lips and the crowd cheered, I pulled away and his cheeks turned into a light shade of pink "good luck" I said and he smiles going back to his teammates.

20 minutes into the game and Matteo had finally caught the snitch so the whole school cheered his name, I walked down and ran towered me picking me up. I squealed in surprise "I won, I did it" he said and I giggled "you did it theo!! I'm so proud of you!"

Matteo kissed me and the whole team started clapping and whistling, I pulled away and hid my face in his chest as I felt my cheeks heat up.

We walked back to the Slytherin common room and sat on the couches, I sat next to Matteo and he rested his arm on my shoulder. The guys kept talking about the game and Draco asked what I thought "okay to be honest, without Matteo you guys would suck" I said and they all booed me.

"Y/n you just destroyed our friendship" Blaise said "leave our common room" Lorenzo joked throwing his pillow at me.

Before the pillow could hit me Matteo caught it throwing it back at Lorenzo.

-Matteo's pov-

Seeing Y/n in my jersey did something to me, I wanted to win and catch the snitch as fast as I could. As soon as I caught the snitch I felt a rush of excitement I wanted to see Y/n's reaction.

She was so happy and proud and that made my heart flutter.

We got back to our common room and she sat next to me, she said that I was the best player and all my friends booed her making us both laugh.

"come on she's not lying" I said and they flipped me off "alright boys I got to go" Y/n said getting up "wait! you're coming to the party tonight right?" I asked her and she nodded. "bye boys, bye theo" she peaked my lips and left.

I smiled and watched her walk away "I think riddle's in loveee" Draco chuckled and I told him to fuck off.

'shit I can't fall in love'




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AN: guys read my latest note in my conversation

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