-chapter fifteen-

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WC: 682 

Warning: smut!!


-Matteo riddle pov-

I kissed her.
I kissed her for the second time this day.
What the hell is wrong with me.
Why do I keep kissing her?

I pulled away and shock was written all over her face.


Both of us were breathing heavily, I wanted to say something but nothing would come out my mouth.

I messed up, what was I thinking.

I was about to leave when she grabbed my wrist, I turned around and the next thing I knew her soft lips were on mine.

I was surprised but quickly kissed her back.

-Y/n's pov-

His tongue swiped across my bottom lip and I eagerly opened my mouth to let him explore it. I moaned into the kiss while his hands began to roam my body, which caused my heart to go race.

I was so distracted by the kiss I almost didn't notice him undoing my shirt, before he could finish I spoke up "M-Matteo"

He didn't hear me and continued but I had to tell him something before we could continue "Matteo stop" I said lightly pushing him away.

"what's wrong" he asked softly "i-i need to tell you something" I said "if you don't wanna d-" "no it's not that" I cut him off.

"It's just.. I just- I-I haven't been active in so long" I blushed "Don't worry love, I'll be gentle" he said and I smiled connecting our lips back together.

Matteo took off my shirt revealing my bra "fuck" he mumble and I blushed furiously. Matteo of course noticed and a smirk appeared on his face.

he then went back to kissing my neck, he picked me up and laid me gently on the bed kissing my neck to my stomach and thighs.

He kissed me gently before spreading my legs and crawling in between them.

Matteo took two fingers and gently rubbed my clit in circles. 

I closed my eyes and bit my lip at the feeling. Suddenly I moaned at the feeling of his fingers entering me. I opened my eyes to see him biting his bottom lip while fingering me.

I soon felt a knot in my stomach, Matteo could see I was reaching my point so he pulled out his fingers making me whine a little. 

he speared my legs wider and took off his boxers, my eyes widened at his length. never in a million years did I think he was this BIG.

"This might be a little painful at first so Just tell me if you want me to stop" He said while positioning himself at my entrance.

before he did anything else he looked at me for consent, words wouldn't come out so I just nodded.

I felt him enter slowly which caused me to gasp. I bit my bottom lip as I felt slight pain along with pressure. Matteo brought his lips to mine distracting me as he pushed himself all the way in.

After couple thrusts the pain started to fade away and the pleasure was phenomenal. 

"f-faster" I manage to get out between moans, Without another word he did as I requested and Honestly, I didn't think I could feel any better than this but I was wrong. 

I felt a knot buildup in my stomach "Matteo I'm I'm c-clo-ohh" the pleasure was so good that I couldn't even speak to tell him im close. but by the looks of it he already knew I was.

"it's okay let go" he said and I did. 

I was left panting under him, while he rode out his high. Once he pulled out he took off the condom and threw it before collapsing next to me.

Matteo looked at me and said "that's a one time thing right?" "definitely and no one can know about this" I said and he nodded.

After a couple of minutes, he got up and left without saying a word.




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AN: can yall tell me how's the smut because im kinda debating if it's good or not

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