-chapter eighteen-

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WC: 422

Warning: none


Matteo left and I laid back down on my bed 'do I really wanna be friends with benefits with Matteo riddle?...no..but he makes me feel sooo good BUT he's a fuckin manwhore...but ughhhh'

I garbed my pillow and literally screamed my lungs out.

A few moments later I decided to stop thinking of it and just go to bed.

Next morning I wanted to talk to Matteo about what we were doing but every time I tried to talk to him something would happen and we get pulled apart.

At night Matteo knocked at my dorm again and I let him in but before he we could anything I stopped him.

"We need rules," I told him "rules for what?" he said confused "rules for what we're doing of course" "Y/n we don't need rules we're just using each other for pleasure that's all," he said kissing my neck again.

"no Matteo no," I said lightly pushing him away "ughh what now," he asked annoyed "I'm serious, set down we need to make rules or..were not doing this," I said and he chuckled "seriously?" "yea seriously," I said sitting down on my couch.

Matteo rolled his eyes and sat down "okay what are the rules?" he said "we can't tell anyone that's for sure" I said "not even Lorenzo" "not even Lorenzo".

"fine...don't expect me to cuddle or do these stupid things with you," he said, "please you're the last person I would show affection to".

"3- this cant leave the bedroom," I told him and he frowned "what if I want sex at school hours," he said "then you wait," I told him and he scoffed "no darling I don't wait, I'll just take you into an empty classroom is what I'll do," he said.

"I better have a free period, I don't skip class," I said and he muttered "nerd" I rolled my eyes and thought of what else I should say.

"oh, most important rule we CANT catch feelings for each other," I said and he chuckled "trust me love I won't..your not even my type," he said and I rolled my eyes "okay I think that's it," I said "finally!".

I sat on Matteo's lap and started kissing his neck....




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AN: I would have written smut but Idk maybe I'm overing it but yet again it's Matteo riddle what do you expect. 

Q: do you want the smut for this chapter?

𝓞𝓾𝓻 𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓭𝓸𝓶 ║ Mattheo riddleWhere stories live. Discover now