-chapter sixty-five-

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Warning: CUTE!!


I was really excited yet slightly nervous cause today was my special day.

I was finally getting married to the love of my life Matteo Freaking riddle!!!

We were currently in the Slytherin castle getting ready to head to our secret spot for the wedding, Matteo and I decided to get married there since it's amazingly beautiful and it was the place he proposed.

I was currently putting on my dress and I loved it, it was amazing it suited the whole theme we were going for.

The bridesmaid dresses were perfect, the girls really were feeling themselves in them.

"Y/n/n we leave so-Oh my god you look stunning!" Hermione gasped "Matteo is going to die when he sees you!" ginny said walking into my room "Thank you, you look beautiful too" I said smiling at them.

I decided to have Cho as my maid of honor because even though Hermione was my best friend since the first grade, Cho was there my entire life.

We basically grew up together.

I looked in the mirror again and smiled at the thought of my last name being riddle and how good it sounds.

I walk downstairs to see my bridesmaids Hermione, ginny, and Luna. After the many amazing complements we walk out of the castle and got in the royal carriage.

I cant wait to see the gorgeous man I marrying.

On the way there all of us girls are chatting about random stuff and ginny says "I can't believe you're getting married!!" "I know I cant wait to get married to the man of my dreams and the most stupid, annoying, adorable, person ever..he's mine!!" I squealed blushing

We arrived at our spot and it looked beautiful.

I was starting to get really excited and nervous at the same time because I'm about to get married!!

-Matteo's pov-

I was nervously waiting for my princess to arrive so I could marry her and make her my queen.

God I can't wait!

After today I will finally be able to call her Mrs. riddle.

I was waiting in my expansive black suit and I looked amazing and just to let you know my men were Draco, Blaise, Cedric and harry.

Lorenzo was my best man and I was glad I chose the right people to be standing next to me while I marry the love of my life.

When all the guests are seated we wait for about 10 minutes and I was starting to worry.

Shit where is she??

Did they get lost?

Did she change her mind!?

What if she doesn't want to marry me after all.

My chain of thought broke when I heard my father yell "There coming everyone back in your places!".

I sighed in relief and I was excited that my princess was finally coming.

I could see her from a mile away and she looked gorgeous in her dress, her hair was in the most beautiful style and the bouquet she was holding was stunning.

She was stun-no she was perfect.

-Y/n's pov-

My father helped me out of the carriage and looked at me "you look beautiful Y/n/n" he said tearing up.

"thanks- no stop your going to make me cry too" I said drying my tears away, my father smiled and brought his hand out for me to hold as he walked me down the beautiful aisle.

We start to walk down the aisle and saw Matteo looking at you me with love in his eyes, a few tears escaping down his face but he quickly wiped them off.

I couldn't stop smiling the whole way down as people were oohing and ahhing at me, I couldn't be happier as we reach the end of the path. We stop and my father whispered something in Matteo's ear.

Matteo looked at me smiling then nodded and took my hand into his, quickly kissing it "you look perfect" he whispered making me blush.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I said and he smiled blushing a bit everybody sat down, me and Matteo held each other's hands out in front while smiling at each other.

"Greeting everyone we are gathered he today to witness the Marriage of Princess Y/n potter and prince Matteo riddle...." Dumbledore started.

-time skip-

It was time to say our vows and we were given the small acrylic board that had our vows written on it Matteo said that I better go first so I did and after I was done he had glassy eyes.

Now it was his turn.

"Y/n potter, princess of Gryffindor, the daughter and sister of the potters, the girl who stole my heart. Y/n your love for me is something amazing because never in my 20 years of living did I ever think I was able to feel the things you made me feel. anytime I look at you or just hear your name I get butterflies, you make me wanna get up every morning and be a better person for me, my family, and my people. I can't wait to make you mine because the thought of waking up with you every morning and spending the rest of my life with you sounds like heaven to me. I love you so much that words can't describe it all."

A few tears fell and Matteo smiled proudly at my reaction and wiped my tears away.

"Matteo Marvolo Riddle do you take Y/n Lilly potter to be your lawfully wedded wife" Dumbledore said and Matteo slipped the ring onto my finger and said "I do!"

"Y/n Lilly potter Grey do take Matteo Marvolo Riddle to be your lawfully wedded husband" "I do" I say slipping the ring on Matteo's finger

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride!" He says and Matteo smashed his lips on mine holding on to my waist as I placed my hands around his neck deepening the kiss.

This kiss wasn't like any other kiss it was full of love, passion, and lust.

We pulled apart and he said, "I love you Mrs. riddle!" Then we kissed again and when we pulled apart and I said "I love you more Mr. riddle!"




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AN: ahhh okay tell me what you think, do you like it or not?? and if I need to change anything!!!

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