-chapter sixty-

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WC: 642

Warning: adorable 


"oh my god.."

"Y/n Lilly potter, you are the most amazing person I have ever met, you made me feel things I never knew I could feel. I love you with all my heart so would you do the honors and marry me?" he said and with teary eyes I nodded.

"Yes a hundred times YESS" I said and he quickly got on his feet and placed the ring on my finger.

Matteo picked me up and spun me around yelling "SHE SAID YES!!"

He was going to accidentally slip[ and fall but thank the god he didn't, "Matteo riddle put me down!!" I giggled and he placed me down smashing his lips on mine.

I smiled into the kiss and cupped his cheeks with both my hands, Matteo placed his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him deepening the kiss.

When we felt like our lungs are going to explode we pulled apart.

"I love you" he said breathlessly "I love you more" I blushed hugging him tightly.

Matteo and I decided to go back to the castle and when we did we were told by the guards we are needed in the ballroom so we went there.

As soon as we opened the doors we heard people yell "congratulation!!!"

Everyone was there, all our family and friends even our professors from Hogwarts.

"oh dear you're soaking wet!" queen lea said wrapping us with a blanket "let's get you into dry clothes come on" my mother said dragging us out.

Matteo locked hands with me as we went to his room to change when we did Matteo kept staring at me making me smile "stop staring" I say throwing a pillow to his face.

He chuckled and got up walked toward me "how can I not when a fucking goddess is right in Infront of me" he said making me blush "shut up" I giggled and he pulled me into a long passionate kiss.

He picked me up and placed me on the counter unzipping my dress "Matteo no" I giggled pushing him away "why not" he pouted "because there are people who are waiting for us at OUR party" I said getting off.

"they can wait," he said kissing my neck again "no you have to" I said turning around to face him "if you wait I promise you that it'll be a hundred percent worth it later " I winked.

"what are you waiting for let's go" he said holding my hands and walking out of his room.

We entered the party and thanked everyone who came and made this happen. I hugged my friends who were so excited for me.

"who's idea was this" I asked meaning the party "us!!" Matteo's friend's group, harry and Cedric said.

"mhmm how did you know I would say yes, maybe I would've said no" I said "shut up you are so in love there is no way you'll say no" Harry said I playfully roll my eyes.

Queen lea hugged me lightly and said "I can't believe you're getting married to my son" she squealed "I couldn't think of anyone more perfect for my son" king tom said and I looked at my fiancé who was grinning down at me.

When Matteo's parents left Matteo smiled and pecked my lips "I can't wait for you to become my queen" he said "I fucking love you Y/n" he says with love in his eyes.

"God I wanna make love to you so bad" he said and I couldn't help it anymore "then do it, make love to me riddle" I said biting my lip knowing how it makes him go crazy.

"Your wish is my command" he smirked and pulled me away from the party.




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Q: Should I write smut for the next part or should we skip it and show you what's happening next?

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