-chapter forty-three-

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"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" he yelled "what do you want!" I say and he looked at me in disbelief "what do you mean what! You were making out with my best friend".

"why would you kiss Lorenzo" "I can kiss whoever I want" I say "no you cant, not when you're becoming my w-" before he could say the word he stopped and just stared at me "my what?" I ask, I knew what he was going to say.

"your what Matteo" I ask wanting to hear him say it.

"shut up" he mumbles and I sighed, he couldn't even say it.

"you're not allowed to kiss any guys especially my best friend" he said and I scoff "so that's it your taking my freedom to like any guy

"that's it then YOU can just decide whom I can and can't hang out with" I say and he smiles "ye, yes I can actually because I'm your the future king of Slytherin-" before he could say anything I spoke "and I'm your future queen"

"then you'll learn to respect my decision-" I cut him off again "RESPECT goes both ways

"he's my best friend! Have some respect!" he says and I scoff "Please you're the last one to talk about respect" I say "I will not have a relationship like your grandfather".

King Voldemort was basically known to be a manwhore- oh wait I guess that's where Matteo gets it from. Anyways he fucked many girls and fell in love with women who didn't share the same feelings for him.

When he proposed to her she said no and he of course got furious and forced her to marry him, sadly queen jane (Matteo's grandmother) married him because he threatened to kill her whole family.

And when they got married he treated her badly, always looking down at her, treating her more as a maid than a queen/ wife.

There is no way in hell am I going to be treated like that.

"I'm nothing like my grandfather" he says "then stop acting like him" I say and he glares at me with anger in his eyes.

Matteo walked up at me and got dangerously close to my face "I hate you" he spat "trust me the feeling's mutual" I say pushing him away.

I entered my room and slammed the door locking it.

My back hit the door and I sigh at my stupid emotions, I felt my eyes tear up at the thought of us being married when we hate each other.

How can I marry someone who despises me?




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