-chapter sixty-nine-

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Today is the day our kids leave for Hogwarts again, we all arranged to meet up at the same time, Lilly, harry's youngest daughter is attending Hogwarts for the first time with my daughter Gabriela and Cedric and Cho's son.

"you be a good girl and listen to your brothers okay" I said kissing her again "don't make trouble, and listen to headmaster Dumbledore and McGonagall" "sweetheart I think she's going to be alright" Matteo said.

"right" he said and our daughter nodded "quick go before mummy hugs you again" he said and gaby giggled running to the train.

"I don't understand how your still worried after 4 kids went to Hogwarts already" harry chuckled "shut up it's a mother thing" Ginny said "yea harry shut up" I said hugging my husband "don't worry love she's going to be alright" he said kissing me head.

"I know..ughh they grow up so fast" I said "mummy look!!" William said running after a paper bird. He fell to the floor and quickly got up "I'm okay" he smiled and I giggled at my nine-year-old.

The train left and we all went back to our castle since the rest of the kids were there.

While we were eating dinner Amra Cedric's daughter asked her mother if she can have a baby sister "I think I'm good" Cho said "whyyy" she whined "because we think that you and your brother are enough" Cedric said.

She nodded and left "you guys are so lucky, my kids would annoy us into another child" I said and everyone chuckled.

"I mean Y/n aren't you feeling a bit lonely without a baby around?" Hermione asked "no offense but you like to have a child every 2-3 years so I'm just guessing".

"No it's okay and I don't know really know, I mean iris is just 4 years old, she's still a baby and I think I've had enough children" I said and I felt Matteo's staring at me so I turned around and I was right, he was.

"yes? Did I say something wrong" I giggled "I'm guessing he wants another baby" Lorenzo chuckled "ha ha in his dreams" I said and he came sitting next to me. "darling I can put not on not two but three baby's in you if I we want" he said deeply making me blush.

He smirked at my reaction and kissed my pink cheeks "should I prepare a baby basket or three?" Luna asked "NO!" I yelled in shock making everyone laugh.

"We are NOT having triplets, Matteo we NO" I said to my husband who just chuckled "we'll talk about that later" he smirked.

"theoooo" "ynnnn" "shut up! we have 9 children! Do you know how hard it is to carry things in my belly for 9 months then push them out" I said "of course he doesn't, he's a man" pansy said.

Blaise married Luna, Lorenzo married pansy and Draco married Astoria. Even after Astoria apologized for doing what she did to Matteo I forgave her but didn't really let her in my little group.

After everyone ate dinner and went we bathed the children and placed them in bed, I went to take a bath when Matteo decided to join.

"I love you" he said kissing my shoulder "I love you too" I smiled pecking his lips. Matteo garbed the shampoo and massaged my head with it "mhmm this feel's so good" I hummed.

After the bath Matteo massaged my body with my favorite oil and it was amazing, I was going to give him the same treatment but he stopped me "I just want you to relax tonight".

He opened his arms for me and I happily got in, he cuddled me close to him and placed kiss all over my face. "stop" I giggled but he didn't, he smiled and started kissing my neck, shoulders and down to my chest.

"Matteo stop" I giggled pushing him away "ahh don't bite" I laughed as he bit my skin "your gorgeous" he says and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"seriously even after nine kids you still take my breath away, you're the only women who does that to me" he said making me blush. "okay stop being charming" I said pulling him down.

He rested his head on my chest and his arms around me "I kissed his temple and played with his beautiful brown hair.

Thank god most of my kids got his beautiful brown curls, I smiled at the person I call my husband, I'm very thankful for him he's such an amazing person I love him so much. He gave me a wonderful life, family, and everything I could ever wish for.

He's my soulmate and I'm so glad I married him




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AN: Sorry if this chapter is bad, I did not know how to end this 😅

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