-chapter twenty-three-

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WC: 625 

Warning: cute :)


-Matteo's pov-

I opened my eyes to see myself in the middle of the bed with Y/n in my arms. She looks so peaceful asleep.

There was a strand of hair on her face so I tugged it away behind her ear, she moved a little and buried her face more into my bare chest. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Wait why are they he-shit she's waking up.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. Y/n got up and looked around "theo wake up" she gently shook me but I faked being asleep "come on we have school" she said "what time is it" I ask.

Quick info: The day begins at 7:30 a.m. with breakfast in the Great Hall. The first class starts at 9 a.m.

"shit it's 8:53" she gasped and got up only to fall to the groan "shit you okay" I laughed "no do I look okay...Matteo I cant walk!" she whined pouting.

I picked her up and placed her back on the bed, she took the pillow behind her and slapped me with it "hey!! What was that for" I laughed "shut up you did this to me".

-Y/n's pov-

"Alright stay here I'll run you a bath" he said going to the bathroom "Matteo! do you have painkillers!! I yelled "I think so check the nightstand drawer" he said and I did. I didn't find anything and told Matteo, he picked me up took me to the bathtub and gently placed me in it.

"I'll go get you some painkillers after class" he said "what about me, how can I go to class" I said "well sweetheart I don't think you can" he smirked proudly. "leave before I get you wet" I said and playfully rolled his eyes and left.

I took my time in the bath and when I was done I got up, my legs were still sore but it was much better than before, at least now I can walk a little.

I dried my hair and body then went to Matteo's dressing room and took out a hoodie and sweatpants that were way too big on me.

I laid back on his bed and drifted back to sleep.

-Matteo's pov-

After class I bought some painkillers and went back to my dorm to find Y/n sleeping, I walked closer to her and saw her wearing my hoodie AND sweatpants.

I never let people wear my clothes and here she is wearing them. thought I would get mad or something but no...I felt a weird feeling in my stomach instead.

I always get this feeling when I see her smile or laugh.

She really has a beautiful smile.

"Matteo is that you" Y/n mumbled getting up "ah yes I got you the pills" I said handing her two tablets, she placed them in her mouth and washed them away with water. "thank you" she smiled.

And here's the same weird feeling in my stomach.

Y/n got better and went to her dorm to change into her uniform, she entered the class and I noticed that she missed buttoning the first button of her shirt, it revealed some of her neck and the Hickes I gave her.

"People are going to know what we did last night" I whispered into her ear and he looked at me confused "take a look" I said pushing a mirror to her.

She looked at it and gasped quickly buttoning it up "no don't you dare cover them up" I said undoing her button "you look so hot with my marks on" I said and her cheeks turned into a light shade of pink.

She's so cute when she's flustered




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