Part 1

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Y/N is in a relatively dark room. A man is talking to her: "Y/N, are you ready for the most important mission of your life? You will take revenge for everything Natasha has done to our family!" Y/N answers: "Yes, sir!" and leaves the room to prepare for her mission. She puts on her suit and attaches her necessary weapons there.
A short time later, she is driven to the Avenger Campound.

Most of the Avengers are on a mission right now. Only Natasha and Wanda are still at the Avenger Campound.

Y/N familiarizes herself with the situation and takes a tactical approach to get revenge on Natasha. She decided to break in through a window on the back side.

Natasha was lying in her bed when she hears glass being broken and immediately runs to see what happened. As she walked out of her bedroom door, she was immediately attacked from behind. Natasha was very surprised and didn't have any weapons with her, so she was at a big disadvantage. Y/N and Natasha fought for a while and Natasha was getting weaker and weaker and was about to lose. When she was already almost blacking out, she recognized a symbol on Y/N's belt. It had a red hourglass on it. Y/N was a Widow from the Red Room. At that second Wanda arrived, having heard Natasha scream.

Y/N had not expected to see another person, and certainly not Wanda. When Y/N saw Wanda she froze for a moment and only said softly,,, Wanda?" Natasha immediately took advantage of this hesitation and took away her weapons and tied her up.

Y/N did not resist and calmly went along with the two, she seemed very confused. Natasha and Wanda took her to a cell.

A short time later the rest of the Avengers came back and Natasha told them about their new prisoner. So they decided to ask her out. Tony, Steve, Wanda and Natasha went all to her cell.

Tony started scanning her and said: "Her name is
Y/N, that's all there is about her!"
She just stares at the others and says nothing.
A short time later Wanda steps closer to the cell and asks, "what do you want from us?"
"From you I want nothing, this is something between Nat and my family!"
"What did I do to you?!" said Nat, also walking closer to the cell.
"You want to know why I want to kill you? You want to know what you did to my family?"
"Yes..." said Nat and not even a second later Y/N jumped up from the bed in the cell she was sitting on and walked in front of Nat very close to the cell.
Her voice grew louder.
"You killed my sister! You killed her! She didn't do anything, she was so little! You are a bad person, and bad people must be punished!"
You could see the anger in her eyes.

Nat became weak. Her look was full of sadness and self-hatred. She knew immediately what y/n had been talking about. Suddenly thoughts popped into her head. Thoughts of the day she regretted the most. The day she sat in the car waiting for a Little Child, an innocent child. She remembered the moment when the child got out of a car and went into a building. Then she pressed a button and the building burst into flames. Very quickly and all she heard was screaming before she hit the gas and drove away.
She looked at y/n again now and said softly, "Dreykov! You are his daughter aren't you? That's why the Widow symbol on your belt." 

Y/n said nothing more and went back to the bed and lay down without looking once at the others.

They didn't get more than that out of Y/n. Natasha was very reserved the rest of the day and just stayed alone to process the whole thing.
After a while Clint came up to her and said "You had to do it earlier or he would have won!". Natasha shook her head "but she's already right about everything. I am a bad person. I killed an innocent person. She was just a child. And what good did it do? Nothing. Dreykov continues to train Widows!"
Clint took Nat in his arms and whispered in her ear "You are everything, but not a bad person".

The next morning Wanda and Tony went to y/n again to get more information. Y/n was sitting on the bed with her feet hanging off the edge of the bed and she was just staring into space. Nothing was in her face, no emotions, no feelings, nothing. She seemed absent. She didn't answer any questions, she didn't move an inch and barely blinked.
"Read her mind!" commanded Tony. Wanda immediately knew what to do. She went to her in the cell and put her fingers on the slurs of y/n, who still didn't move. It almost seemed like she was used to having things done to her without fighting back.

As Wanda tried to read her mind, she strained harder and harder. Nothing.

"What do you see?" asked Tony after a while.
Wanda walked out of the cell a little exhausted and closed it again.
"Like nothing?"
"I see absolutely nothing! This has never happened before, it's like she has a block in front of her mind, like a locked door that I can't get through"
"Do you think you can try again later Wanda?"
When the name was spoken aloud, y/n moved for the first time. She lifted her head a little and looked at Wanda. Wanda and Tony looked at her a little confused.

"So your name is really Wanda?" she just said, with no emotion or feeling in her words.

"Yes, why?" asked Wanda, hoping she would talk some more.

But y/n said nothing more and lay down on the bed, looking at the bright ceiling that was above her.

"You can try again later" Tony said to Wanda as the two were about to leave.

"She can't read my minds" the two suddenly heard and turned back around.
"Why not?" said Wanda.
Y/n slowly sat back down and looked at Wanda waiting for an answer.
"So you really can't remember anything?"
"What should I remember!" said Wanda, starting to feel weird.

"You're my sister Wanda!"

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